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TL phantom power draw

(1/2) > >>

according to ADK, the power consumption is < this the power it draws from phantom?
pardon the ignorant question, but trying to work out the power requirements I will need for a true portable rig

Include the mic draw to the draw of the pre.  Say the pre darws 500mAh....add 8mAh for the TLs.  

It's really not much to worry about.


This may be obvious but in case it isn't:

8mAh = .008 Ah

ah, now see I would not have thought to ADD it to the preamps draw.


Brian Skalinder:
I inquired with Sound Devices about MP2 run-time a while back and their tech responded with the equation he uses to calculate run-time.  It's not simply a matter of adding the 4mA (x2) to the preamp's draw.  The process of stepping up the voltage requires some juice, too, which adds more to the equation than the 4mA (x2).  Dang, wish I could find the email, but I think I deleted it.


--- Quote from: Brian Skalinder on February 09, 2004, 04:12:44 PM ---I inquired with Sound Devices about MP2 run-time a while back and their tech responded with the equation he uses to calculate run-time.  It's not simply a matter of adding the 4mA (x2) to the preamp's draw.  The process of stepping up the voltage requires some juice, too, which adds more to the equation than the 4mA (x2).  Dang, wish I could find the email, but I think I deleted it.

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure why stepping up the voltage would INCREASE the draw....if anything it should lower it (for the mics).  As voltage increases current decreases.  I also don't understand why amperage would be lost due to increasing the voltage.........I'm also not as familiar with DC systems as I am AC.  I'm sure I'm missing something here though and I'm very curious......if no answer I'll ask at school wed night.  


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