Gear / Technical Help > Cables

7 pin repairs?


My sony 7 pin has come apart. The ground wire has come off its curcit board.  When the wire came off it pulled the green board coating off with it.  so I can t soder it back on!  This cable was just purchased, so if I can return it I will.  If not I need to get it fix.  Any help on where and who and how and how much $?


Prodigital did me the favor.  I believe that it cost $40 or so, maybe $50.  However, the only thing that is original after I sent it in is the 7-pin head.  Everything else was replaced

sent it back with a new one coming!  Thank God where would I be without my 7-pin as a DAT taper!  Buying one off Yard sale too so that I can patch out for all to enjoy.


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