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Resistance to filming with a camcorder
--- Quote from: tjj5036 on May 12, 2024, 08:28:02 PM ---I have noticed among the youths that bringing in vintage (MiniDV/Hi8) camcorders is in style and venue security typically allows those in. If you want to go old school you probably wouldn't have an issue.
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Young people bringing in vintage camcorders is in style? And security doesn't care? Wait ... whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? :wink2:
I'm shocked that the average security person has any clue whatsoever about which camcorders are vintage and which are new; and they allow those with old videocams in and don't allow those with new videocams to enter. How does that even happen? I mean ... you got two people standing there and security says, "OK - this videocam looks old enough. You're good. Go on it." And to the next guy, "Nope. This one is a few years newer. Sorry - you gotta take it back to your car."
It just sounds like a major headache for security to have to decide whose videocams pass the "old enough" test and turn away those that don't.
Not to mention ... if you film on tape, now you have to capture (in real-time) and encode that video. That's a ton of work compared to shooting a video with a phone - that you can literally share to social media seconds after shooting it.
It all sounds crazy to me ... but then ... so does the resurgence of official releases in 2024 coming out on cassette tape!
Sheesh if you can bring in some older cams mine as well go back to my Sony VX2100
The king of low light …. Even in standard definition smokes all these little 4k cams.
My camcorder is a Sony AX43/a.
What I may up doing is eventually buying a point + shoot as a backup. Then, if I get turned away at the door with the camcorder, I'll go back to the car and swap it for the P+S.
Teen Wolf Blitzer:
Leave filming to the professionals. No one and I mean no one wants to watch a stage shot for an hour. Bands don't want that content.
They wants mixed sets or recaps. Just my 2 cents
--- Quote from: Teen Wolf Blitzer on May 19, 2024, 02:28:42 PM ---Leave filming to the professionals.
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That doesn't apply to audio taping. Why should it apply to videotaping? I mean ... it's a hobby ;D.
--- Quote from: Teen Wolf Blitzer on May 19, 2024, 02:28:42 PM ---No one and I mean no one wants to watch a stage shot for an hour.
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Well, sure. But why do you assume this is about stage shots?
--- Quote from: Teen Wolf Blitzer on May 19, 2024, 02:28:42 PM ---Bands don't want that content. They want mixed sets or recaps.
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I agree. Having said that, how many people at the TS do stuff on behalf of the bands they record/film? Perhaps I'm an outlier, but maybe 1% of what I record/shoot is done with the band in mind. The other 99% is for me and my friends.
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