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SMF Trader System - Detailed Feedback
Detailed Comment So, for a long time I ran the DPA sub card 4015s. I had a change in life situation and ultimately divested myself of most of my gear. Aaron dropped me a line privately early in 2016 asking me to keep him in mind if I ever decided to sell my final pair of mics. In late ’16 that rolled around and we hashed out details. At a cost of $2400, Aaron asked (and I was happy to oblige with) me to send the bodies and flight case to family state side and send the capsules (for which he already had bodies that were comparable) directly to him in continental Europe from the eastern US. This way he would only have to pay duty on the capsule value and he would get them earlier before his next trip back to the US. I thought that was a perfectly reasonable request and he was totally willing to pay the extra shipping for both packages (with *full* insurance on both). We did two transactions accordingly so that I could include the packing slip in each package. I acquired his shipping address, his cell number (for customs declaration) and sent off everything. The capsules arrived via Fedex a little over a week later without any problem.

At no time did I feel any pressure to relinquish gear without a way of tracking it door to door, nor did I feel any in regards to falsifying customs declaration forms (which would impact the VAT value that he would be responsible). He was incredibly easy to deal with and I wouldn’t have any qualms with doing the transaction over again.
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