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Author Topic: Specific questions about noise removal (in Audacity)  (Read 1515 times)

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Offline acidjack

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Specific questions about noise removal (in Audacity)
« on: September 29, 2010, 12:04:29 PM »
Well, though many here say things like "the M10 knob is really stiff, it definitely won't move without you really working hard to move it".... they shouldn't.

Checked levels/time during encore break... and knob got turned down significantly when I slipped the deck back in my pocket. 

I had a signal, so I can boost in post, but when I do so, unsurprisingly, there is a ton of unwanted preamp noise.

I know how, in Audacity, to use "Noise Removal" but I'm having a little difficulty getting it not have a weird artifact-y sound when I use it.  I notice there is a selector called "Frequency Smoothing" that is pre-set to 100Hz.  What does this mean? 

The show in question is a pretty loud rock show, so the only parts that are affected are a vox and acoustic-only lead-in to a song.  Anyone know how I can perhaps use this "Frequency Smoothing" to avoid causing weird artifacts in the vox/guitar.

More annoying is that this band allows taping and I was only  >:D because I showed up 2hrs after doors... only to find that there was plenty of room to have set up in my usual spot... grrrr....
Mics: Schoeps MK4V, MK41V, MK5, MK22> CMC6, KCY 250/5, KC5, NBob; MBHO MBP603/KA200N, AT 3031, DPA 4061 w/ d:vice, Naiant X-X, AT 853c, shotgun, Nak300
Pres/Power: Aerco MP2, tinybox v2  [KCY], CA-UBB
Decks: Sound Devices MixPre 6, Zoom F8, M10, D50

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Re: Specific questions about noise removal (in Audacity)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 12:53:59 PM »
That feature has been improved (presumably) in the most recent versions...

I suspect few have used the newer version yet.

play with it...those sliders are new.

I'd start by changing the default reduction to something a little less aggressive than 24db...

Start at 10 and see how it goes...


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