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woohoo-new gear for a song

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I have always wanted a home dat, but never really felt I would get the benefit out of one for a lot of money.  I just scored a Tascam DA-30 for 75 bucks off of ebay.  It's got a couple scratches, and needs one replacement part for the volume level, but sheesh, at that price I would have bought four just like it!


it may not play 90 meter tapes without a modification...

nice score

Rob D.:
Just an FYI but the latest Encompass catalog advertised they were selling the Tascam DA-302 (dual well) for $598.00.

Marc Nutter:
>it may not play 90 meter tapes without a modification...

The DA-30 should be fine with 90's.  It was the DA-30mk.II that required the mod. or the Scotch tape over the second hole in the tape shell.

Sounds like a great deal.

Happy Recording,



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