Gear / Technical Help > Recording Media

Sony releases special memory cards for music. Costs 5x the regular price.

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Sony to Offer ‘Premium Sound’ Memory Card:

I think they should call it the Datamax sort of like their Betamax.   :P

hi and lo:
This should be posted on NottheOnion.

What a ripoff! It reminds me of the audio review I read comparing the sound quality of hard drives. More smoke and mirrors BS.


--- Quote from: cybergaloot on February 23, 2015, 10:08:09 AM ---What a ripoff! It reminds me of the audio review I read comparing the sound quality of hard drives. More smoke and mirrors BS.

--- End quote ---

I'm not that tech saavy about this stuff, but when media has bad sectors, doesn't chkdsk kick in to tell the os not to use those sectors on the media or is this just on a harddrive?  Besides, it seems to me that non-audio data needs to be more bit perfect than audio data, otherwise software won't run right and such.  If bits are missing from an audio recording, I suppose a sample or two might appear as digi-noise, but the chances of actually hearing it seem like they wouldn't be very good to me.


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