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Sony DAV DX 150 Home Theatre System won't play or eject discs


I just inherited a pristine 15 year old DAV DX150 Home Theatre System that is now displaying error code C31 when I try play any of the five CDs in it. It refuses to play them or eject them, although it makes a lot of noises as if it is trying to do so. Any ideas? 


--- Quote from: unidentified on December 27, 2020, 05:08:33 PM ---I just inherited a pristine 15 year old DAV DX150 Home Theatre System that is now displaying error code C31 when I try play any of the five CDs in it. It refuses to play them or eject them, although it makes a lot of noises as if it is trying to do so. Any ideas?

--- End quote ---

you can try powering it off and holding the eject button down and  then power it on. This might allow you to at least recover the discs inside.   you might try  running a lens cleaner through it    but  its probably not worth  paying to repair it.  dont forget dvd/ blu ray players should play  cds ... 

if its making noises, pop the top, it might be some simple mechanical issue with the loading mechanism

worth a try


in case you didnt run across that. third post down or so

Thank you all for these good ideas!  I will try them and keep you posted. Thanks again!!


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