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AT853 replacement, which one?

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My AT's 853 (with 4.7mod) cardiods are getting old and left and right are a few db's different. Which version is considered the best one to replace these? I know Audioprofessionals have a few options, but not really clear to me. What can you recommend?

Most ideal
- Be able to record loud stuff
- Matched pair
- straight to xlr phantom
- rather avoid an extra batterybox
- cardiods is must but interchangable caps would be nice.


Chilly Brioschi:
48 volts isn't usually worn for safety reasons (abundance of caution, tingles, etc)
Sweat is very conductive.

I have P48 XLR to mini electret low voltage adapters that I plug into my older recorder and the wires only see a few volts to the mics.

I haven't messed with the ATs this year, but I hear a lot of Countryman and DPA posts

The AT PRO 70 looks close

The challenge is that many Lav mics are Omni

when I was in same boat moving from AT853's to the so called next level I was first thinking about those well known brands like Schoeps, AKG, mbho ...
at firstl I liked to learn how to handle such 'big' mics in stealthy situation with not breaking the bank. so I went with the Line Audio CM3 which I never regretted  :shrug:

Thanks for the suggestions.

I think the AT PRO 70 is not really usefull for rockconcert with its 123 dB SPL.

Line Audio CM3 would certainly have my attention but with my new Nevaton's, which size is almost the same.... no benefit now. I have only used the Nevatons twice, and they are promising. But, like the Line Audio a bit difficult for heavy stealth-situations.
Both countryman and DPA can do very good things in the right location, but I stepped away from omni a long time ago to get rid / heavy reduce crowdnoise.

Chilly Brioschi:
Omnis usually have much less handling noise than cards.
123db is extremely loud

I get overhead, but db is logarithmic.
10 dialed to 20 is nothing near 123db going up to 133db


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