Gear / Technical Help > Cables

Audio Snake Oil

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I'm more of a believer in fancy cabling than most in this forum, but even I draw the line at a $350 ethernet cable. As long as the connectors are secure and the cable is rated highly enough to do the job, it's good with me.

If you really want a hoot, check out the Synergistic Research website. How that company remains profitable is a direct testament to the immense purchasing power of gullible audiophiles who seek solutions for problems that do not exist.

Shun Mook

This is "messy" by design, ^^.  All of the paper, and boxes, everything, are all forms of room tunings.

These is not enough money in the world that would have me put my turntables in front of the speakers. But, they've got some gigantically intense gear; so who am I to question.

A lot of followers use bird nesting boxes, instead of fiddles.

And round mpingo (ebony) discs are really popular; the essence of Shun Mook.

There are actual resonant acoustic principles at play.  But as usual, without really understanding how those principles function and applying them correctly (which requires accurate measurement beforehand to design them correctly, and confirmation measurements afterwards), its mostly a bunch of woo woo.  Here's some helmholtz resonators, and the following post will show some panel resonators..

Counter-example of a truly useful, well-engineered, understood, intelligently applied "resonant panel audio enhancement device"-

^  :o

I thought Shun Mook just made the little magic discs; I had no idea the craziness went this far.

Check out this quote from their website:

--- Quote ---A simple test by yourself or your clients is to hold the disc with the Chinese logo up or down in one’s palm and feel the weight. Flip the disc over and weigh it the other way, you will feel the logo side down is heavier then the other way.  Why?
This is crazy, nothing is added, same disc.  There is an energy flowing through the disc to your palm that is enhanced within the ebony.  The energy from your palm is the aura of your body that is reacting to the disc energy.

For a male human the aura flows out of your left hand and flow towards your right hand, while for a female its the other way around.  The disc is not as simple as it looks and there is a complex process involved in the making of it.
--- End quote ---


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