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Soundboard attenuator DIY?

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--- Quote from: Sebastian on March 28, 2024, 03:48:46 AM ---Looks great! The only thing I don't understand is why you ordered the resistors for $15 from Amazon when you could have added literally hundreds of them to your Mouser order for a few dollars.

And yes, the XLR connectors will probably set off a metal detector. But when you're getting a soundboard patch, that usually isn't a problem. ;)

--- End quote ---

I agree they're a bit overpriced on Amazon, and that I am not very good at searching Mouser's catalog, but there were a few reasons that boiled down to convenience.  Amazon does have hundred packs for $6ish, but I don't need a hundred of this specific flavor of resistor, so I bought a kit with a wide selection (20 each) to cover any future projects.  They come in nice little organizers, too. 


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