Gear / Technical Help > Microphones & Setup

adding about ck91/93 question....

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I really like the sound of the 480/ck61's.......BUT, I don't have that kind of money to put down right now. I still need to purchase a powerpad 160 battery(400$) and some Audio Magic cables.

Would I be happy with the SE 300B's ? OR, should I just wait 'till the spring, and put down the money of the 480's ?

I like the sound of both. So really, this is pointless, but answer none the less

.........and Bri.......I really do miss the karma points

maybe we'll bring back Karma ;) +K


Marc Nutter:

Far be it for me to discourage the purchase of Audio Magic (or other high-end) cables, but when the choice is between microphones that are going to suit your ear better and high-dollar cables, I would always recommend the Mics first.  

By saving $130+ dollars with the purchase of a good cable like Belden, Mogami, or Canare, you will narrow the gap toward the purchase of the 480's.  Perhaps, you could find a pre-owned pair.  

You can always upgrade the cables later, but getting lesser mics than you really want will result in a bigger loss financially and in tapes that you won't be as happy with.

Feel free to email me directly (  if I may be of assistance.

Marc Nutter
Sonic Sense, Inc.

--- Quote from: mterry on October 28, 2002, 10:53:55 AM ---I really like the sound of the 480/ck61's.......BUT, I don't have that kind of money to put down right now. I still need to purchase a powerpad 160 battery(400$) and some Audio Magic cables.

Would I be happy with the SE 300B's ? OR, should I just wait 'till the spring, and put down the money of the 480's ?

I like the sound of both. So really, this is pointless, but answer none the less

.........and Bri.......I really do miss the karma points

--- End quote ---

Thanks Marc, glad to see you on the board! I use Canare Star Quad which is great cable. I used to work for a rental company for film and video and we sent out cable all the time that got extremely abused, but it was very rare that they had to be re-soldered or replaced. Oh, with neutrik gold/black connectors, you cant go wrong. Marc can make 'em for you, right? ;)


Though to speak for the AudioMagics.  I Got my excallibur II's from Marc and they carry sound soooo well.  I couldn't be happier!



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