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JB3 defrag?

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Is there an option anywhere in the software for this?  I heard about a disc clean-up thing, but I can only find one in the Play Center software, and that cleans up bad links, don't think it does a defrag at all.  Can't find anything for the actual jb3.

btw, i have firmware version 1.32.02p


pull the battery out
while holding the 'stop' button, pop the battery back in
press play as soon as you see the 'creative labs' logo
select 'clean up' with the scroll wheel and let it do it's thing
select 'reboot'

Sweet, thanks Dave! +T

would anyone happen to have any guidelines on how often to do the defrag procedure?  

would it be something you should do after a certain amount of recording hours, or only if you notice the JB3 acting 'sluggish' like you would for a pc

It would depend on how many shows you record on it and how often you delete stuff.  This is the first I did it since I bought it 6 months ago.  I'll tell you one thing, now that I know how to do it, I'll be doing the disk cleanup every 5 or so shows.  


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