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Another quick question

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geoff piper:
Sorry to bother you guys again but i had two more quick questions.

First, I was talking to a friend who is not a taper but he does sound work so he is familiar with some of the taping equipment. He brought up the idea of running mic>DA-P1 for the first few shows I'm doing over the summer. Then getting enough money together to buy a pre/ad such as a V2-mod. SBM or a mod.UA-5 or something to that effect. My question is would this work or would the DA-P1 overload with the loud music.
Second, If this does work, I would be looking to get some higher priced mics such as AKG 480 with the ck1 and ck3 caps or something else. Would you guys recomened this or should i stay with a lower priced mic such as a akg 391/3. After a lot of thought i decided I wanted switchable caps no matter what.
Thanks alot guys

oade can do some mod's to the da-p1 that will keep it from overloading under loud SLP's, with the mod's it does a nice job as an all in one unit. Nothing fancy, but gets the job done.

Brian Skalinder:

--- Quote from: creeksuperfreak on May 08, 2003, 05:37:13 PM ---oade can do some mod's to the da-p1 that will keep it from overloading under loud SLP's, with the mod's it does a nice job as an all in one unit. Nothing fancy, but gets the job done.
--- End quote ---

Alternatively, you could get an external phantom power box like the PS-2 and just run line-in on the DA-P1:

480s > PS2 > DA-P1 line-in

And if that isn't enough gain, you could add a couple line transformers to the mix (but I don't think it would be necessary with the 480s):

480s > PS2 > line transformers > DA-P1

good point Brian, +t

geoff piper:
Thanks guys for the info. Sorry to bother you all, but when i get an idea in my head then i like to get knowledge of it before i make a decision.


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