Hey everyone.
I was directed here from another music forum & it looks like a very cool place where I'll surely learn a lot.
So........I'm working on a project where I'm doing a documentary of sorts of a band on tour. My job is video, but in shooting video I end up with in-camera audio that depending on where I'm shooting from will be 'all guitar', or 'all bass' etc. because I may find myself right in front of someone's cabinets. There's no sound-board capture happening so I bought a Tascam Portacapture X6 that I'm thinking I can grab the show audio with it and pair it with my video. I'll have to use just use the recorder and not hook up additional mics because I'll need ease/speed & convenience here. Likely placed at the back of the room/sound board because I assume anywhere on or near the stage would result in the same issues I have with in-camera audio, and I can't have it in the middle of the room because it will be left alone without anyone monitoring it.
I've never used one of these before, so uncharted territory. Most YouTube vids concentrate on 'up-close' capture which is surely these devices' wheelhouse, but I don't see any bigger venue tips. I guess my question is, do these devices work well in a theater setting? Thanks for any thoughts/hints/tips/tricks? :-)