tim, even though you know i'm a schoeps guy, i am sure you won't mind if i throw in my two cents.

the neumanns are bright mics....albeit not as bright as the schoeps...and because of that i would run them din (90 degrees/17cm). because of the spacing, the interchannel delay seems to sweeten the sound and tame the high end a bit. i think it makes your recordings sound more full, more natural sounding if you will, with a lot of depth.
i tried out a lot of different configs with my mk41's and this was by far the best sounding config. my tube tapes with the 41's run din have been the best tapes i have ever made. i will definitely never go back!!
let us know how it turns out,
ps i will be getting some of my tapes out to people here on the board at nye so you guys can hear the tubes (with me at the helm).