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Author Topic: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM  (Read 40387 times)

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2018, 01:09:34 PM »

Not quite.  I tell people about my experience as many tapers do, you on the other hand spend your time fluffing mediocre (at best) sounding recording.  I guess I hit a raw nerve and you are displaying more symptoms of your mental illness.

yes, a paragraph or two about "your experience" *getting to the show*, and then, if lucky, a sentence or two ***about the actual show***.

and that's (sentence) a crapshoot because of your shitty grammar/misspellings/missing words.

seriously, if you talk like you type, I can see why you have to fly to other countries for shows, because over there they think your English is stellar.

Dude, I have steered clear of getting wrapped up in your drama again, but the grammar Nazi in me just had to chime in here.  I don't know you personally, and although you may be a good person, based on everything I've seen on this site, I wouldn't even want to.  Your writing is atrocious, your structure is ridiculous and nonsensical, and you can't seem to stay on topic within a single sentence.  It is genuinely painful to read your posts, but still amusing just the same.  You need only look above at this very comment to see how poorly you write... "if you talk like you type", really dude, do you think this is proper English?  How about trying, "if you speak like you write" the next time.
It's bad form to call someone else out on their writing when you are clearly challenged on that subject yourself.
On a personal note, I am surprised that you haven't been kicked off this site yet.  You do not contribute anything positive as much as you ridicule others.  You are constantly picking fights with other posters, when all they are doing is peacefully participating in a conversation.  Why, do you feel that insecure about yourself?  Seriously, why don't you just try to get along with others instead of antagonizing them?  If you don't agree with something, then approach it like an adult and support your statements with facts, not name-calling.  Maybe then, people won't give you such a bad rap.
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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2018, 09:12:52 PM »
All of the meaningful discussion (regarding legality) involves taping in the U.S.  Other countries the rules may/are very different and whether or not you are local may be result in a different outcome.  From experience of tapers I know, in Italy they can and will confiscate your gear.  I know people who have traveled to and taped in Moscow, China, Singapore and I commend them on their efforts.  Those are places I wouldn't want to get popped in.  Another point worth noting is there is a difference between getting caught with a cheap pair of mics and a little recorder or phone and getting caught with a full haul of IEM gear or a rig  that has components that can be mistaken for an explosive device.  Those who have been caught with gear like that can concur.  Also, discretion when  >:D is more important these days where people keep hearing "see something say something" but then most of us already know that.   

Offline furburger

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #77 on: May 11, 2018, 10:21:23 PM »

Dude, I have steered clear of getting wrapped up in your drama again, but the grammar Nazi in me just had to chime in here.  I don't know you personally, and although you may be a good person, based on everything I've seen on this site, I wouldn't even want to.  Your writing is atrocious, your structure is ridiculous and nonsensical, and you can't seem to stay on topic within a single sentence.  It is genuinely painful to read your posts, but still amusing just the same.  You need only look above at this very comment to see how poorly you write... "if you talk like you type", really dude, do you think this is proper English?  How about trying, "if you speak like you write" the next time.
It's bad form to call someone else out on their writing when you are clearly challenged on that subject yourself.
On a personal note, I am surprised that you haven't been kicked off this site yet.  You do not contribute anything positive as much as you ridicule others.  You are constantly picking fights with other posters, when all they are doing is peacefully participating in a conversation.  Why, do you feel that insecure about yourself?  Seriously, why don't you just try to get along with others instead of antagonizing them?  If you don't agree with something, then approach it like an adult and support your statements with facts, not name-calling.  Maybe then, people won't give you such a bad rap.

just posted on my AIC torrent upped today:

Downloading this one based on your notes; thanks so much for another superb capture!

so, clearly, not all people see things the way you do  (not to mention I've never met chickenwing)

maybe if you spent less money on mics, you'd have more money to go to shows (based on previous posts you've made)

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Offline furburger

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #78 on: May 11, 2018, 10:26:28 PM »

Since you're obviously a legal scholar, I don't need to tell you this, but for the benefit of others: in Ohio, where I live, $500 is a 5th degree felony. Grand theft starts at $5000. In California, felony theft begins at $950. So it varies by state.

thank you for proving my point

$500 is a "5th degree felony".

but what is $499?

under $500?  a misdemeanor?

yeah, pretty much.

and in California, it's even more lenient, but still follows the base parameters that I stated (as $950 is more than $500, so the police would just be charged with a misdemeanor for my gear, but a felony for the mic-standers)

of COURSE laws vary state by state...I already stated such previously (i.e. radar detectors are illegal in Virginia (and 4 other states as well), but not in the other 45)

an inference, yes, but a logical conclusion *based on what I already stated*

My son is a police officer. I asked him about it, and he said, "Yeah, good luck with that." He went on to explain that the police can confiscate pretty much anything they want, if they have reasonable suspicion that it may have been used, or was intended to be used, in a crime. He said they probably wouldn't, just because it's too much paperwork.

a police officer is not a lawyer.

of COURSE the cops can confiscate what they want.

they can also be charged accordingly for illegal actions. (nee: the 'paperwork excuse')

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Offline furburger

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #79 on: May 11, 2018, 10:31:39 PM »
You need only look above at this very comment to see how poorly you write... "if you talk like you type", really dude, do you think this is proper English?  How about trying, "if you speak like you write" the next time.

um, because this place is silent, and calling what he does "writing" is an insult to 3rd graders worldwide.

"if you talk like you type" makes perfect sense....and yes, is proper English

if - conjunction
you - personal pronoun, used as the primary noun
talk - verb
like - preposition
you - personal pronoun
type - secondary verb

I could have put  the trailing "..." after it, and I'm sorry that you're wrong, but you are, as everything here is done via keyboard (nee: typed)

though judging from dapsies show notes, it's two fat thumbs on a touchscreen phone.

even the auto-correct can't help him.

and it shows.

people who are fans of the music, they LOVE what I document and capture...people who are fans of themselves....not so much.

Offline OldNeumanntapr

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2018, 10:48:00 PM »
Except for the troll interference, this thread has been a pretty good read. I'm thankful for the dedication and diligence that these 'phantom' IEM/RF tapers contribute to the archival of live music. Just heard an IEM recording and was blown away by the quality. (Thanks, and I will honor my word and keep it to myself.)

As far as getting caught, it has only happened to me once. In 1993 I was endeavoring to record a David Lindley & Hani Naser show at Loco Ranchero in SLO, CA. Lindley was playing both an early and a late show. I had a ticket for the early show, but not the late. I took in my gear, which consisted that night of my CM 300s with CP-1 cardioid caps, custom shortened XLR >RCA cables, and my buddy Gene's TCD-D10 DAT. (I was still using my D6 in those days and had not as of yet made the jump to DAT for myself.)

Unfortunately, the NP-22H NiCad battery that powered the D10 was unreliable and wouldn't hold a charge for very long. (Later we replaced it with an ECO Charge lead-acid battery system.)

Knowing the club as I did, I knew that there was an unused 110 volt electrical outlet in a semi-convenient place, and the walls and ceiling of the club were painted black.

I sat with my friends and watched the early show, and at the break between shows I hid in a stall in the men's room until the staff had cleared the venue. Once the doors opened for the late show I waited until patrons started coming into the bathroom and I casually mingled and took up a position on the floor. (My friends had tickets for both shows and remained seated.)

I tried plugging into the wall receptacle and had the D10 and mics in a back pack at my feat. 10 minutes into the late another friend saw the power cable and tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'You really shouldn't be doing that', in earshot of one of Lindley's crew. It was a bust.

They pulled me aside and wanted the DAT tape, which only had 10 minutes of music on it. In those days DAT blanks were going for around $10 each. I refused to give up the tape. They threatened to call the cops and I made a beeline to the door, with gear and tape.

I don't know if they called the law or not but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I figured that it was a draw, since I didn't actually pay to see the late show and I'd already had a good time watching the early set.

Loco Ranchero is now long gone and KSBY TV, the local NBC affiliate, has taken over the building and completely renovated it for their use.

No one could really make money at that location. The venue started out in the late sixties as a restaurant called 'The Breakers'. It changed hands many times and had different names over the years; 'Yancy McFadden's', 'The Spirit', and finally 'Loco Ranchero' before being retired from the club scene.

There is supposed to be a Chumash Indian grave yard on the site. Supposedly Wayne Newton owned the land.
The owners all had bad luck and some blamed the Indian graveyard, but the real problem was that the club was up on a hill at the South end of town next to the 101 freeway. There was one way in and one way out, and the cops would wait at the bottom of the hill and bust the drunks when the club shut down for the night.

My bad luck at getting caught taping there was just coincidental, I'm certain of it, Indian graveyard or not. :-\

The moral to the story is that I probably should have just given them the tape and kept them from getting so pissed off but I didn't, and I got out of there with my tape and gear. I considered myself lucky, and lived to fight another day. :)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 10:51:24 PM by OldNeumanntapr »

Offline daspyknows

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2018, 11:05:30 PM »
We all have those kinds of stories from the old day ONT.  It was a different time.  At least you got the early show.  I do see your point though.

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2018, 02:12:26 PM »
My suggestion to you, is to do what I did.  Ask a lawyer within this field all the questions that you need answers to in case you get busted.  It really is as simple as that.

How would one go about locating such a lawyer?

Scooter123 is a lawyer and taper on here.  He provided his thoughts on the subject before the thread went off the rails.  If I was in a situation he would be the first person I would call unless we were out taping together.

Another taper friend from the bay area (not on this site) is also a lawyer who I'd ask.   Since you are in California their opinions would be more valuable to your situation.  There are two or three others who used to tape and are located on the east coast who would be well versed on the subject in the event shit went down there.  If I was in such a situation, I would reach out to a lawyer I knew and ask them for a referral.   

Another option is to ask Rudy Giuliani but you might not get the best advice.

I don't know Scooter123 at all, and not to suggest he is one of these people, but I read what you said with caution because too many times I see people claim they are something online when really it is far from the truth. He could be totally lying about what he does (like he might actually be some kind of garbageman or office secretary), or maybe not. You probably know him much better than most people around here do. For all I know, Scooter123 could be really be a lawyer, but not really a lawyer who knows and specialize about these type of things. He could be a lawyer in insurance, divorce, immigration, etc. So yeah, he's probably a lawyer, but maybe not a lawyer who is qualified about making opinions about this. No offense to Scooter123 if he is reading this because again, I don't know him or his true occupation.

As far as what the previous poster who asked about where they can locate such a lawyer, why is this a concern? I say if you run into a problem about taping from a legal aspect, worry about it when you see things happening to you. Ever heard of a taper going to prison for years in America for taping at some concert? Maybe someone here has, but I really haven't. So if no one has heard of such a case, my point is try to find enjoyment from it. If you start worrying about it and all the consequences you think you might face for getting caught, then I think you should stop because obviously this is not a fun hobby for you anymore.

Offline OldNeumanntapr

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2018, 02:18:42 PM »

I don't know Scooter123 at all, and not to suggest he is one of these people, but I read what you said with caution because too many times I see people claim they are something online when really it is far from the truth. He could be totally lying about what he does (like he might actually be some kind of garbageman or office secretary), or maybe not. You probably know him much better than most people around here do. For all I know, Scooter123 could be really be a lawyer, but not really a lawyer who knows and specialize about these type of things. He could be a lawyer in insurance, divorce, immigration, etc. So yeah, he's probably a lawyer, but maybe not a lawyer who is qualified about making opinions about this. No offense to Scooter123 if he is reading this because again, I don't know him or his true occupation.

I can vouch for him. I have traded with Scooter many times and I even have his business card. He is indeed an attorney.

Offline furburger

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #84 on: May 12, 2018, 02:38:27 PM »

Sorry dude,  your mental illness strikes again.

What are the Symptoms?
Monopolizing conversations? Feelings of entitlement? Belittling others? These are all classic signs of narcissistic personality disorder. Do you know of someone who knows the “right” way and all other ways are wrong? Are they cocky, lack empathy, and think they are largely important? Then it’s possible they might be suffering from this condition.

 I don't talk to asshats like you at shows and would pass on smoking something you passed my way.  I might catch something.

sorry dude, but the irony of someone who goes by "daspyKNOWS" across the innerwebs claiming someone else is a narcissist is inherently laughable both to the common man and one who knows what he's doing.

again, projection is not your strong suit.

but love of people who abuse children, apparently, is right in your wheelhouse.
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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #85 on: May 12, 2018, 04:36:14 PM »

... he might actually be some kind of garbageman or office secretary.

I can vouch for him. I have traded with Scooter many times and I even have his business card. He is indeed an attorney.

What's wrong with being a garbageman or an office secretary???

Offline univonc

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #86 on: May 12, 2018, 04:36:51 PM »
Citing the Manchester attack - remember, that was not from inside a concert but a guy wired up wearing a bomb who detonated it as people walked out of the concert. If one is going to reference actual shootings inside a venue perhaps the Bataclan or Dimebag Darrell's death in Columbus, OH in 2004. But all of that was totally off topic.

IEM tapers seem to be a very secretive bunch, but from the ones I've interacted with, it appears most tape from outside the arena. Once had a dude send me a photo of his rig in the trunk of his car. Had a full rack of receivers/recorders/antennas. Was pretty impressive...

I have never monitored IEM but I imagine you would have to deal with multiple frequencies, so multiple receivers would be needed for a show, active antennas would help pulling in a weak signal. If I was outside I would use a tuned antenna for each individual frequency. The benefit, or not depending on your preference, would be you would look pretty narc like with that rig on your car.

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Offline univonc

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #87 on: May 12, 2018, 04:38:24 PM »

I don't know Scooter123 at all, and not to suggest he is one of these people, but I read what you said with caution because too many times I see people claim they are something online when really it is far from the truth. He could be totally lying about what he does (like he might actually be some kind of garbageman or office secretary), or maybe not. You probably know him much better than most people around here do. For all I know, Scooter123 could be really be a lawyer, but not really a lawyer who knows and specialize about these type of things. He could be a lawyer in insurance, divorce, immigration, etc. So yeah, he's probably a lawyer, but maybe not a lawyer who is qualified about making opinions about this. No offense to Scooter123 if he is reading this because again, I don't know him or his true occupation.

I can vouch for him. I have traded with Scooter many times and I even have his business card. He is indeed an attorney.

Confirmed.  He's a good guy and knows his stuff.
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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2018, 04:40:33 PM »
How do you filter out someone so I don't have to see his/her posts? This Furburger moron is not worth reading.

Reminds me of the Donkey in Shrek ...

"It talks!" ...
"Its getting him to shut up thats the trick". Lol.

Offline furburger

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Re: Legality of Taping - AUD & RF/IEM
« Reply #89 on: May 12, 2018, 05:00:24 PM »
How do you filter out someone so I don't have to see his/her posts? This Furburger moron is not worth reading.

Reminds me of the Donkey in Shrek ...

"It talks!" ...
"Its getting him to shut up thats the trick". Lol.

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

― Will Smith
people who are fans of the music, they LOVE what I document and capture...people who are fans of themselves....not so much.


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