I had gone out and bought some rechargeables assuming they'd work in the internal compartment and to my surprise they didn't work reliably, eventually I'll just rewire a cable and do this job with a Tekkeon battery but here's what I did as a complete electrical novice. Not saying it's pretty but it works really well, it's cheap, and you can build it easily out of Radio Shack parts other than the 4 pin Hirose adapter. Here goes...
8 x AA Battery Holder(Radio Shack Model: 270-387) - $1.99
Fully Insulated 9V Battery Snap Connectors(Radio Shack Model: 270-325) - $1.99
Hirose 4 Pin Male Push Lock(there are a couple varieties available but they all are suitable) - $14.00
8 x Rechargeable AA Batteries
Electrical Tape
Radio Shack Soldering Iron
Radio Shack Solder
Housing for the 9V battery snap(I just used rubber tubing)
Fairly self explanatory assembly from looking at the finished product. The 9V battery snap snaps right on the 8 x AA holder so the only real work involved is soldering the 2 wires on the 9V snap to the 4 pin Hirose, on the side of the mixpre it says which is to be hot and cold(On mine pin 4 = + pin 1 = - ). After soldering I jacketed and filled any airspace where the wire enters into hirose connector jacket and then taped it up for extra security and housed the thin wire in a piece rubber tubing. I've run on it for about 10 shows now and the longest was 3 bands, that was about 6 hours without seeing the light start to dim at all, running phantom as well of course.
One other really neat thing I stumbled upon is you can switch quickly from external to internal power
while running with no ill effects, no spikes on the recording(this may be microphone specific, works on my 140's), no loss of phantom to the mics. So.. I just pop some old AA's in the internal compartment as a safety net for emergencies and to bounce off of if I ever need to swap to my second set of 8 rechargeable AA's while running. Hope this helps someone