My setups are unusual in this regard, yet may provide food for thought-
In my primary OMT rig I bundle individual small diameter cables together in techflex without permanently fixing the techflex at each end to provide a reasonable-diameter, fairly-flexible, coilable and otherwise-manageable 8-ch cable bundle from the recording bag up the stand to the microphones. Because the techflex is not permanently fixed, I can re-adjust fan-out lengths as necessary or re-thread additional cables (such as the addition of the balanced cable pair when I added the center M/S configuration). Once its all routed. I temporarily fix the Techflex at the mic bar end using gaff-tape and a cable-tie. It remains unfixed at the recorder end which allows plenty of flex coil-ability as needed. Once the stand is up and mics aloft, I can run my hand down the Texflex toward the recording bag to snug it up forming a tighter, stiffer, straight run down the stand without snagable bends or loops and it holds that state until I lower the stand and recoil it into the recording bag. This arrangement works really well. It is easily manageable, reconfigurable, and allows me to adjust cable-lengths just right. But it's intended for using the same setup each time, or slight variations on it, rather than reconfiguring for a different number of channels. In working up to this arrangement I'd add or change cables through the techflex as I added or swapped microphones.
The cables I'm using are RG174-flexible coax with an outside diameter of just 0.10" / 2.54mm to 6 miniature DPAs (micro-dot connection located at each supercard, in-line microdot connection to the omnis) plus one of TS cable-maker Ted's small-diameter techflexed Teflon/silver balanced 2ch chopped RA XLR cables to the center M/S pair. The DPA supercard Mid uses a DPA phantom adapter mounted aloft at the mic. The Side 8 uses a balanced XLR connection. The other 6 DPAs use Niant PFA phantom adapters at the other end, plugged directly into the recorder inputs. When the Texflex is snugged-down the bundle is approximately the same diameter as my index finger.
Toughest part was adding the balanced cable pair for the M/S pair because the RA XLRs connectors would not fit through the Techflex with the 6 coax cables already in place, so I had to remove and re-solder them after threading that cable through. No problem running additional coax lines as they are microdot terminated on the mic end and mini-xlr terminated on the other to the PFA adapters, making either end small enough to be passed.
This arrangement is unusual in that I do not disconnect the cabling from the mics or the mics from the mounting bar when breaking down. I fold all the arms in and disconnect the mounting bar system from the top of the stand, coil the Techflexed cable-bundle and put the entire thing into a bag with the recorder (all mic connections remain connected). I used to carry a separate bag for the mic/bar assembly which remained cabled to the recording bag, but I now use one bag for everything, except the tall stand. A folding three leg foot and short telescopic extension fit into the bag, so if setting up on stage just above floor level or up to about 3' high, the single bag holds everything pre-wired and ready to power up and deploy.
Hope that's not too far off base and helps with ideas if nothing else.