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Author Topic: Need assistance with my Marantz /Samsung setup  (Read 11459 times)

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Offline StarkRavingCalm

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Need assistance with my Marantz /Samsung setup
« on: February 26, 2022, 12:25:14 PM »
Hoping someone can help here...

I have an old-ish receiver, a Marantz SR-66 and a new-ish TV, a Samsung LN52B610A5FXZA and I would like to attach some center and rear channel speakers.
Not looking to upgrade the receiver at this time, just utilize what I have.

The Marantz does not have any digital inputs, but does have Pre-outs for Rear and Center speakers.
The Samsung has an optical out and RCA out.

Is there a way to connect these and get the correct channel separation?
Or do I need to bridge the gap with an ASC?

If I need to go the ASC route, any recommendations?
What would that setup look like?

Thanks in advance


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