crutchfield is a great resource and I do buy from them but it doesn't substitute real world listening experience.
I realize most if not all of us are audiophiles and no one probably is using a 100ish dollar amp in their cars, or we don't want to admit to running such a thing
I should have been more clear when I said looking for ideas, I meant real world listening experience ideas, thinking someone here would say yea I run "x" and it sounds decent and has been solid for the last "x" years. I'm asking for too much in that price range but wth I'm usually wrong.
I love my kenwood's, blaupunkt I'm not so sure of, they seem to be junk these days (reviews seem to reflect that) and definitely a shell of their former self.
But for a camper and the use it would get the blaupunkt might just be good enough; I don't want to spend the money on an amp from alpine/kenwood/sony etc etc. HU's yea if I decide to go that route I would get another kenwood.