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Author Topic: Concert ony have source trax in mp3 but a few in wav format Best Practice  (Read 5742 times)

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Offline celticray

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Ive a got a gig thats one of a kind and sounds stellar that was transfered from tape.   Unfortunley as great as it sounds the tracks are .mp3.
I also have four tracks in lossless .wav format.   Ideally I would use these instead of the related mp3s  But would results in say 5 mp3 tracks and four wav
How do you deal with this mix??   Ive got SoundForge 12 and I want to do the best possible method to make up a mixed "CD"  Any advise is much welcome

Offline jefflester

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When you say tracks do you mean songs or individual channels of a multi-track recording (one track is guitar, one track is bass, one track is lead vocals, etc...)? If it multi-track, I would say convert the MP3 to WAV and mix away, but notate the source information in a file. If it is individual songs and you are sharing online I'd say leave the MP3 as MP3 and the WAV as WAV. If you are burning a CD, convert the MP3 to WAV to make the CD but again make a clear note in a cover insert or label included with the CD which tracks are from which source.
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Offline opsopcopolis

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When you say tracks do you mean songs or individual channels of a multi-track recording (one track is guitar, one track is bass, one track is lead vocals, etc...)? If it multi-track, I would say convert the MP3 to WAV and mix away, but notate the source information in a file. If it is individual songs and you are sharing online I'd say leave the MP3 as MP3 and the WAV as WAV. If you are burning a CD, convert the MP3 to WAV to make the CD but again make a clear note in a cover insert or label included with the CD which tracks are from which source.

Also confused, but my answer would essentially break down the same way. Depends what "tracks" means and what the final goal is

Offline celticray

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Its a live two track concert transferred pre-fm to mp3.   No chance on gettiing the tape transferred again to all .wav
MP3 really sounds great  Also included are 4 "duplicate" tracks in .wav that were probably from the radio broadcast.

If possible I'd filter out the pilot tone and use the wav files instead of the mp3 tracks for half the show
Im tryin to figure a way to tackle it ...master each track seperataly so they are stll gapless and "seamless" or ??
 I need to listen to it alot more but it does need slight eq and my only experience in mastering is using complete 45 minute wav files and doing the eq, normaiization, bit rate coversion, resampling, splitting tracks etc

ive never messed with mp3's and especially a mix.   The gig is so great i need to do it justice so I figured Id ask the experts

Offline loughney

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Its a live two track concert transferred pre-fm to mp3.   No chance on gettiing the tape transferred again to all .wav
MP3 really sounds great  Also included are 4 "duplicate" tracks in .wav that were probably from the radio broadcast.

If possible I'd filter out the pilot tone and use the wav files instead of the mp3 tracks for half the show
Im tryin to figure a way to tackle it ...master each track seperataly so they are stll gapless and "seamless" or ??
 I need to listen to it alot more but it does need slight eq and my only experience in mastering is using complete 45 minute wav files and doing the eq, normaiization, bit rate coversion, resampling, splitting tracks etc

ive never messed with mp3's and especially a mix.   The gig is so great i need to do it justice so I figured Id ask the experts

I would also recommend editing / EQ each source as a whole. After that, open both sources in an audio editor and make sure their sound is similar (bass, treble, loudness, etc.)

Then, ror multi-source shows (for example, 2 different FM broadcasts with slightly different broadcast songs), I use Audacity to align the tracks and create seamless fades.

Offline robgronotte

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If I were getting a copy of this personally I would prefer the mp3 Pre-FM source in full.  I would recommend just passing along everything.


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