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Author Topic: Ceiling Mount Considerations?  (Read 20787 times)

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Re: Ceiling Mount Considerations?
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2024, 09:40:07 AM »
I just sent to vantheman via PM a link to the exploratory test mix I did over the weekend, with the following note..

The low frequency handling noise during lead in which may be from the mic'd floor settles down at some point. As mentioned the final EQ may be off on other playback systems as I was just doing this using uncorrected headphones and didn't check it elsewhere, so just EQ it as needed to get it sounding right to you.  After doing that listen for how the timing, mix levels and and relative EQing of each source works together in combination.  I think we are generally on the same page here.. the stuff you mention that the sound-person said about resonances at lower frequency points, the addition of the CM4 pair providing an extra sense of dimension of the audience reaction, all that..

PM me or vantheman for the links to his sources and my quick stereo mix.
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Re: Ceiling Mount Considerations?
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2024, 04:07:12 PM »
It should be interesting to hear what kind of mix made Goodcooker, Capnhook or Gutbucket  from Vantheman's recordings. But for me the most important thing is not what mix is the best. For me, the most important thing is to play around with it and try to hear what each change does in the mix. Then Gutbucket's tutorial for the mix makes good sense. We have here a slightly different motivations, but that's shouldn't be an obstacle.

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Re: Ceiling Mount Considerations?
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2024, 04:21:02 PM »

I'm out gents, until there are some publicly shareable files to work on, I'm not into your privates.. ;D
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Re: Ceiling Mount Considerations?
« Reply #63 on: September 09, 2024, 10:05:24 PM »
Catching up a bit after just getting over covid. For reasons already stated I apologize that I can’t make any of the samples public, but given the interest over on facebook I tried to find a workable compromise via an anonymous sample. I realize that it makes for a difficult public conversation. I appreciate the input especially from Gutbucket who took time to look at the files. The insight caused me to go back and see what I missed the first time. Folding down the CM4s just enough is something I definitely would have missed but it was spot on.

The one other person who requested the samples has them, and they’ll continue to be available, if anyone wants to play around just PM me.
Line Audio CM4/OM1> Sound Devices MixPre6ii


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