Thanks for posting these. I finally got a chance to listen to them.
I posted comments on rocksuitcase's (different AKG omnis mixed with SBD) in the other thread.
As for the mk5 /4061 comps, they are significantly different. What's interesting to me is how much of that difference is due to the difference in frequency response. Its quite enlightening to EQ each separately to best effect and then compare again.. and alternately or additionally, to EQ one to match the other as closely as possible and then compare.
Because EQing is so powerful and easy, and because it's the first tool I reach for after simple level adjustments, what becomes most interesting to me in comps such as this are any subtle differences which remain once the two are EQ'd to produce a similar response - the non-alterable or not easily alterable differences between them, rather than the quite easily modified differences in response.