Thanks, will try to get up to speed on using the envelope tool.
In audacity, F5 turns the envelope tool on, F1 goes back to the regular "I-Beam" cursor you might be more used to.
I suggest starting at 1x vertical zoom, and adding a couple envelope points at full volume, one right before and one right after the section you wish to change.
Zoom the track (mouse to the bottom edge and use the double-headed vertical arrow tool to increase track size) so it takes up as much of the screen as possible, this way you will get the best vertical resolution while using the tool. If you are working on a stereo track, you only have to add the points for left or right so you can zoom one channel larger, as in my example image.
When you add the points to make the envelope do its thing and lower the level of the loud section, you'll probably want to give that section the same loudness throughout. The vertical resolution we gained by zooming the track enables you to be sure that the modified section is as horizontal as possible.
I hope this is clear!?
Note that the Blue Arrow points to the rectangle with the number values between -2 and +2, and you must RIGHT CLICK in there to get the hidden menu that my illustration shows #HiddenMenu #NotMacLike