I dig xACT and have used it regularly for many years. Twenty?
But Audacity can export straight to FLAC, and can tag if you wish.
I do not ever use Audacity for tags because I only need them sometimes, and it's an extra step to skip when I'm doing simple renders. My preferred version of Audacity (2.4.2) lets you specify a preference of whether or not to open a Tag window for exports, and it gets in my way more often than not if I leave it on, so keep it turned off.
I do export straight to FLAC from Audacity or Sound Forge (2015 Mac version!) most of the time now, and then I tag in xACT as usual!
and YES xACT will import track names from a text file once you open the special menu for auto-name, use command-shift L to open your fave info.txt file and have at it. It's got some quirks but you'll figure it out.