The Movo's work great.
In my experience, the most frequent wind problem with any windscreen is air leakage through/around the mic-insertion opening. In the Movo design that's alleviated by the snug-fitting rubber cuff.. as long as that cuff remains snug around the body of the capsule or mic-body to avoid all air leaks. The Movo generally does that very well with standard diameter pencil mics. I'm still working up a better way adapting them to smaller diameter mics without resorting to an attempted gaff tape seal around the entry point, since gaff tape doesn't like to adhere to the rubber cuff.
For a side-address Schoeps capsule you may need or want a slightly longer version than for end-address. Call Movo and ask what lengths they have in stock as they sometimes have lengths not shown as available on the website and through resellers. They used to stock many different lengths that are no longer made. If necessary you can buy them longer than needed, cut down and re-glue the cuff in place. I made a thread with photos covering the process of doing that for a stereo shotgun mic when all they had available was one that was much too long. Not difficult.
I also bought a competitor's furry version (seems to have nicer fur than the furry Movos, and it was already the correct length) which otherwise seems the same construction and materials as the Movo furry version. I may do a "shop fan test" of the four different windscreens I have for that shotgun mic. If I do I'll post about it. That test would consist of: no windscreen, thin foam screen, snug fitting fur windscreen (with no airspace between mic and fur), Movo fabric covered screen, Movo-competitor fur covered screen, all from the same position in front of the fan.