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Author Topic: OM LS-P5  (Read 303 times)

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Offline pillowman

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« on: September 28, 2024, 06:38:05 AM »
Hey community,
I am a newly owner of the OM LS-P5 recorder and I was out with this little unit last night.
Unfortunately I have some set up things still to fix I guess.

My equipment chain was the following
and the concert was some loud, amplified concert

2x Sennheiser ME104 > SP.BBox (12V) > OM LS-P5

1. I had to  run the input level @ '1'  if it had been possible I would have gone even deeper
 2. for my taste the rcording sound some kind of thin

IF a good soul outside have any clue about any possible set up change or improvement
I am more than curious, thanks !

RECORDERS: Sony PCM-A10 / 3x Sony PCM-M10 / TASCAM DR-2d / Sony NH 600 / Sharp MD-MT180(H) / Sony MZ-R35
MICS: LINE AUDIO CM3, AT853c, ATU853c, hc  (4.7k mod) / Sony ECM-717 / 3x Sennheiser ME104
BBox's: Denecke PS-2 / SP-SPSB-9 / SP-SPSB-10 / SP-SPSB-20 / Soundman A3

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