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Author Topic: 1st time here. Recording a concert in a 1-2000 seat theater w/ a Tascam recorder  (Read 1159 times)

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Offline thxphotog

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Hey everyone. 

I was directed here from another music forum & it looks like a very cool place where I'll surely learn a lot. 

So........I'm working on a project where I'm doing a documentary of sorts of a band on tour.  My job is video, but in shooting video I end up with in-camera audio that depending on where I'm shooting from will be 'all guitar', or 'all bass' etc. because I may find myself right in front of someone's cabinets.   There's no sound-board capture happening so I bought a Tascam Portacapture X6 that I'm thinking I can grab the show audio with it and pair it with my video.  I'll have to use just use the recorder and not hook up additional mics because I'll need ease/speed & convenience here.  Likely placed at the back of the room/sound board because I assume anywhere on or near the stage would result in the same issues I have with in-camera audio, and I can't have it in the middle of the room because it will be left alone without anyone monitoring it. 

I've never used one of these before, so uncharted territory.  Most YouTube vids concentrate on 'up-close' capture which is surely these devices' wheelhouse, but I don't see any bigger venue tips.  I guess my question is, do these devices work well in a theater setting?  Thanks for any thoughts/hints/tips/tricks? :-)


Offline Kyle K

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Looks like the X6 has up to 6 channels including a 3.5mm line level. Why not just grab a $10 stereo XLR to 3.5mm and grab the soundboard? Can also throw it up on a stand for a decent (but not amazing, given onboard mics and iffy config) room capture.

Offline AbbyTaper

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Looks like the X6 has up to 6 channels including a 3.5mm line level. Why not just grab a $10 stereo XLR to 3.5mm and grab the soundboard? Can also throw it up on a stand for a decent (but not amazing, given onboard mics and iffy config) room capture.

As he says..."there's no soundboard capture".

Offline Kyle K

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Looks like the X6 has up to 6 channels including a 3.5mm line level. Why not just grab a $10 stereo XLR to 3.5mm and grab the soundboard? Can also throw it up on a stand for a decent (but not amazing, given onboard mics and iffy config) room capture.

As he says..."there's no soundboard capture".

I saw "There's no soundboard capture happening", I was just asking why -- just wanted to be sure it wasn't because he felt it was more complicated than it actually is.

Offline Scooter123

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I'd get some really long balanced XLR cables and some clamps and at least one stand near the soundboard and try to get what we call an XY recording, which  would consume 2 channels.  Perhaps you can find some some places toward the side to clamp two more microphones.   Since you're obviously with the band or working for them, I don't fully understand why you cannot get a soundboard out for 1-2 more channels.

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Offline goodcooker

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In general if you want to use just the recorder and built in mics you would probably want to "split the difference" between placing the recorder in the back of the room versus on stage. A large theater can be cavernously boomy with amplified music in a space that wasn't designed for it and often the sound reinforcement isn't particularly well suited to loud music (depends obviously) since it may be a system for multiple users - plays, musicals, stand up, etc... I usually try to locate mics in a theater setting somewhere in the front third of the space ie if there's 50 rows of seats I shoot for row 15.

Are you involved with the band in question? Can you get a comp ticket to mount a pole with the recorder on top to an armrest at a seat in the sweet spot? At the soundboard enclosure if it's not way in the back under a balcony overhang or in a corner? Getting a clamp and extension pole would be best if you can't use a stand. You don't "have" to attend to your recorder while you shoot video - I leave my gear alone all the time and nothing crazy has ever happened to it.

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SD Mixpre6 || Oade Concert Mod DR100mkii

pocket sized - CA11 cards > SP SB10 > Sony PCM A10
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Offline rocksuitcase

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different direction maybe- Your Portacapture X6 has an optional "sync configuration requiring an accessory:
The X6 even gives you a time-code sync option* via Bluetooth® (with optional AK-BT1) allowing you to align your audio with your video, even when you have no audio on your camera.                   $39 USD

I second goodcooker's idea of clamp and pole for the Tascam. (You can hang from the ceiling in some places?)
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When you get confused, listen to the music play!

Mics:         AKG460|CK61|CK1|CK3|CK8|Beyer M 201E|DPA 4060 SK
Recorders:Marantz PMD661 OADE Concert mod; Tascam DR680 MKI x2; Sony PCM-M10

Offline DuctTaper42

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First off, welcome to the forum!

Secondly, not sure what software you use for post-processing but I found Davinci Resolve to be very intuitive and it has a feature that allows you to sync audio across multiple files based on waveform or timecode and that would make it very easy to sync the audio from your recorder with the audio from your camera.

It's not clear to me if soundboard recordings aren't happening because they aren't allowed or simply because no one has bothered yet but if you're affiliated with the band, I would certainly try to leverage that into a soundboard recording and/or a comped seat to set the recorder up near the sweet spot as others have mentioned. If you want audio that does the band/venue justice those would likely be your best options.

Whether on-stage recording would return good results is dependent on the type of instruments being played and how the speakers are configured in the venue; it can deliver excellent results or it can be a wonky mix like you fear but it's so situational we'd need to see pictures or otherwise get a better grasp of how the band/venue is configured to advise.

The rabbit hole of remote audio recording can be as simple or complicated as you make it and this is a great place to learn. Enjoy!
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Mics: Line Audio Omni1; Line Audio CM4; Church CA-14 cards

Recorders: Zoom F4; Zoom F3; Roland R-07

Offline thxphotog

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Sorry, been away for a bit.  Thanks for all the replies.  Yes, I work with/for the band, however.....the sound/FOH guy is also the stage manager and not one to be bothered. Entire crew and band are great, but Mr. soundman is not someone to ask much of.  I like to stay as far out of his way as possible. :-)

Hanging the Tascam is a thought I never considered so thanks for planting that idea.   

I do use Davinci Resolve and am well aware of how easy it is to sync audio/video with the click of a button. ;-)   It's a huge time saver!

I have a month or so to consider options including a post 1/3 of the way back, then I can play at sound checks and see what happens.  I'll be capturing 5 shows give or take so 1 or 2 of the venues may be best suited.  I'll figure it out.

Thanks much for the replies!  I'll be back with additional, and perhaps more specific questions.  Thanks again!!  :-)  ps:  we have to go through all those verification questions with each post or am I on probation here?  Seems waaay overboard!

Offline rocksuitcase

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Sorry, been away for a bit.  Thanks for all the replies.  Yes, I work with/for the band, however.....the sound/FOH guy is also the stage manager and not one to be bothered. Entire crew and band are great, but Mr. soundman is not someone to ask much of.  I like to stay as far out of his way as possible. :-)

I've often found smoking weed with or offering some to the soundman gets a respectful courtesy. If that's your sort of thing.  (or his)     >:D
music IS love

When you get confused, listen to the music play!

Mics:         AKG460|CK61|CK1|CK3|CK8|Beyer M 201E|DPA 4060 SK
Recorders:Marantz PMD661 OADE Concert mod; Tascam DR680 MKI x2; Sony PCM-M10


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