Gear / Technical Help > Battery Boxes, Preamps, Mixers, ADCs, and Processors
What a steal!
What a score! :o :o :o
did you get that ad1k?
one to hear another good one? i was biddingon a 500e on ebay and was skeptical, and this guy was from europe. he offered to send me the unit to test, and if i was cool with it, i could send him the money order. unbelievable trust on his part. bidding ended at 350$, and he said that he wasn't sure how the preamp worked, puzzled i was like whatever send it. he sent me a AD1K!! everything works, and needless to say i sent a check immediately! i didn't have the heart to tell what he had without knowing, but i guess he got the money he wanted for it. thank you karma!!
That's REALLY incredable! Wow, and AD1k for $350! GEEZ! Hope it works great for you!
so far so good, i figure at that price even if the crystal was bad i could get it replaced for like 400$, and do the upgrades, and still be under a grand. no need yet, i have been using it hard for about 6 months now.
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