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ZOOM M2 M3 M4 MicTrak Stereo Microphones & Recorders - 32 bit one-piece devices
I've scrolled down the forum a fair way but can't see this one mentioned. Forgive me if I've overlooked an existing topic.
"The ZOOM M2 MicTrak Stereo Microphone and Recorder combines two cardioid microphones in an X/Y position with a quality microSD-compatible field recorder. This all-in-one design makes it a convenient solution and it also includes the ability to record in up to 96 kHz / 32-bit float. The M2 MicTrak was designed to fuse the professional guts and features of the F-Series recorders with the convenience and portable form factor of the Handy Series. This middle road allows the M2 to provide excellent functionality at an attractive price."
$199 US -
And there's an M4 also - - four tracks with timecode. It has built in stereo mic, XLR x 2 inputs, and also seems to have a 3.5mm stereo mic input. This perhaps is the device most likely to be of interest here but it's more expensive than the other two models.
And an M3 for on-camera mounting, which interests me more than the others.
That also seems to be only $199. There's a YouTube video at showing it being used with its post-production width control for pipe organ recording. This I find impressive, except that when it's set to mono, it's actually 120 degree stereo. This could be an error in the video - or a bug in the mic or software which Zoom should have spotted!
"It's just a mic that I happened to have in my pocket, Mr Security Man. I haven't got a recorder with me to connect it to."
I'll leave you to google for other links - or not, if you think it's not in the least interesting!
Inn terms of the mics, you get what you pay for. Can't vouch for it beyond that.
I ordered the new 32 Bit Float Zoom M3 MicTrak Stereo Shotgun Microphone and Recorder for my camera since I do concert video. Should be here today.
They came out with 3 new 32 Bit Float recorders.
--- Quote from: daspyknows on December 20, 2022, 10:49:13 AM ---Inn terms of the mics, you get what you pay for. Can't vouch for it beyond that.
--- End quote ---
I thought the pipe organ recording was pretty good - certainly nothing unpleasant about it.
--- Quote from: Datfly on December 20, 2022, 11:18:44 AM ---I ordered the new 32 Bit Float Zoom M3 MicTrak Stereo Shotgun Microphone and Recorder for my camera since I do concert video. Should be here today.
--- End quote ---
Me jealous? Of course not... it's not available here in Australia until February. I could get B&H to ship me one though... I have to say that having started recording using an EMI L2 recorder (with valves) and having once intterviewed Sir Yehudi Menuhin at his home about his days of recording on wax discs - for which I used a HHB Portadat which intrigued him - being able now to buy a one-piece 32 bit float camera mounted mic/recorder does amaze me. I look forward to your feedback in due course!
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