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Quick question, If I bought a used Valence, could i just switch out the laptop adapter located on their site?  Is that the only difference in the different models is the adapter fora specific laptop?

My understanding is that is correct. They ship you an adapter plug based on your model laptop, but the connectors are universal. sames hold trus with the 2ndary power adapter.

Thank you.
  If that is correct...I noticed that the N-charge had an extra slot to power another portable it possible to power a UA5 off the N-CHarge along with your laptop?  How would you go about hooking up the UA5 to the N-Charge?  Thank in advance!  Could I just order the proper hookup for my laptop, and another cord for the second hookup and modify that cord for the UA5?  That way I could knock out all my ordering from the Valence site at one time.


--- Quote from: razorback on February 23, 2004, 02:21:59 PM ---Thank you.
  If that is correct...I noticed that the N-charge had an extra slot to power another portable it possible to power a UA5 off the N-CHarge along with your laptop?  How would you go about hooking up the UA5 to the N-Charge?  Thank in advance!  Could I just order the proper hookup for my laptop, and another cord for the second hookup and modify that cord for the UA5?  That way I could knock out all my ordering from the Valence site at one time.

--- End quote ---

this is definantly possible, i am not totally familiar with the connecters on the valence side of things, but you can definantly power the ua5 with it too if you get the right power cord for the ua5

Thanks Caymen...

IS there ANYONE running a N-Charge powering both the Laptop AND the UA5 that might be able to help me?????  im trying to eliminate carrying the battery pack for the ua5 if i can do it off of the n-charge.  it would make my pack SO much smaller and lighter.  plus I am a total newb, so I don't even know how to get started doing this.


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