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New DPA Pre for 406X series + New technology for windscreens


Very psyched up by some new toys that I've just discovered have come into existence.  Can't figure out how to put links from the DPA site, but has all specs and related info. 

Anyhoo, the Windscreen is called a WP4000 and is a blimp looking thing, apparently made out of some kind of fabric which "blocks wind noise in gusts of up to 100km(60mph).  Folds up to 9" by 3" which is kind of big, but if it works, then it could be worth it.  No idea of how much though...

Also, and most cool of all is the new mic pre that they've come up with for the 406X miniature mics which features microdot inputs on the front of the unit with two dials for your levels on the front, and a mini jack output.  Model MMA6000 which is in the minature mic section.   It'd be nice if they had optional RCA or XLR outs but still, it looks like a choice stealth option.  Could it be they are finally catering to the taping market?

Last but not least, I noticed that in the section of headband microphones, they now make a minature cardiod mic which is called a 4088.  Hopefully they're just working the bugs out for the standard wired model.  Could make for a VERY choice stealth rig with that new little pre!!! 

search past general topics pages for a discussion on the windscreen and look in the pre-AD page for the 406x discussion

Fatah Ruark (aka MIKE B):

--- Quote from: Weirdness on July 27, 2004, 05:14:21 PM ---
Anyhoo, the Windscreen is called a WP4000 and is a blimp looking thing, apparently made out of some kind of fabric which "blocks wind noise in gusts of up to 100km(60mph).  Folds up to 9" by 3" which is kind of big, but if it works, then it could be worth it.  No idea of how much though...

--- End quote ---

I think it's in the $875  :o neigborhood (each). I think someone summed it up pretty well. If there are 60 mph winds, you should probably stop taping and take cover!!



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