
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Cheesecadet on September 12, 2007, 02:03:37 PM

Title: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Cheesecadet on September 12, 2007, 02:03:37 PM
Anyone know the differences between these mods?  Pros...cons?  I possibly want to get my AT 831's modded but am not sure which way to go.

I have heard the 4.7k mod raises the noise floor 3dB or so...but do not know exactly if that is bad or not???

Anyone have experience with these mods and if so would it be recommended to do a mod at all or just leave the 831's as is???

I'm clueless.  ::)

Ryan in CA
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: illconditioned on September 12, 2007, 02:06:41 PM
Anyone know the differences between these mods?  Pros...cons?  I possibly want to get my AT 831's modded but am not sure which way to go.

I have heard the 4.7k mod raises the noise floor 3dB or so...but do not know exactly if that is bad or not???

Anyone have experience with these mods and if so would it be recommended to do a mod at all or just leave the 831's as is???

I'm clueless.  ::)

Ryan in CA

Chris Church claims (and I believe him) that 4.7k has lower distortion.  I went for 2.2k in some cases so I could use my mics with plug in power.  I *have not* tested either one with plug in power, so at this point it is only a guess.  I believe either should sound fine though.

Who is doing your mod?  Just go for 4.7k and you should be fine.

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Cheesecadet on September 12, 2007, 03:24:23 PM
I have been in talk swith Chris in the past about the 4.7k mod...but he said there was a 3db noise floor increase which I was unsure if that would affect acoustic music shows in a negative way or not?

I tape a variety of shows from acoustic to high SPL show when using a stealth setup.

I just wanted some feedback about these mods before I pop for it.

i would still be running the AT 831s through a battery box into an iriver 120 or M1 DAT

So the 4.7k mod would be best I assume?

Are there any cons to doing the mod?????

Ryan in CA
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Javier Cinakowski on September 12, 2007, 03:31:39 PM
have you ever had distortion in your recordings at loud shows?  if not, don't worry about it. 

If you do, then a Church Audio preamp would make up for the gain you will lose with the 4.7k mod....
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: rokpunk on September 12, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
i waas never good at math, but the difference between the 2.2 and 4.7 mods is 2.5.          :P
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: illconditioned on September 12, 2007, 04:10:43 PM
have you ever had distortion in your recordings at loud shows?  if not, don't worry about it. 

If you do, then a Church Audio preamp would make up for the gain you will lose with the 4.7k mod....

Even at quiet shows, the mod *will* help.  You know all those people saying "AT 853 will sound best with phantom power", well, the 4.7k mod is providing a very similar driving condition that the phantom adapters do.  (I've traced the circuit.  The AT853 adapters supply about 3V and the FET has a source resistor of 5.1k.  It has a driving transistor and a transformer after that, but the mics themselves are powered in a similar way to Church's 4.7 k mod.)

Yes, it (the mod) will reduce mic sensitivity (by anywhere between 6 and 10dB people claim), but it *will not* increase the noise floor.  People that see the noise floor going up are seeing *preamp noise* and not *mic noise*.

Here is my advice:
- moderate to loud shows (anything with a PA basically): either
    1) AT853 or Church Cards with 4.7k mod > battery box > Edirol R09.  Plenty of gain, no need for extra preamp.
    2) above mics > battery box > Minidisc (line in).  Use (good and clean) gain in MD line input.
- acoustic/quiet shows: either:
    1) same mics + Church pre > Edirol R09.  Here you need lower noise of Church Pre.
    2) same mics > battery box > Minidisc (low sens mic in).  MD preamp is good and has low noise.

Oh yeah, if you want to use a poor line input, like iRiver or NJB3, you need the Church preamp.


PS: Can someone please archive this???  Should be more widely known.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Roger Gustavsson on September 13, 2007, 05:29:53 AM
As you seems to be well informed about the 4.7k mod...

Is this what I should to with my Primo to end up with a 4.7k mod? Please, see below.
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Roving Sign on September 13, 2007, 07:24:21 AM
As you seems to be well informed about the 4.7k mod...

Is this what I should to with my Primo to end up with a 4.7k mod? Please, see below.

I think Chris Church played around with a set of Nak 300s - He may have the answer...
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: ninjadave on October 11, 2007, 06:39:37 PM
if i look to get a set of U853's from sound professionals and i have them do the low sens mod, is he putting the 4.7K mod in or doing something else? i guess i could ask him directly.....thanks.

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Arni99 on October 12, 2007, 04:37:43 AM
if i look to get a set of U853's from sound professionals and i have them do the low sens mod, is he putting the 4.7K mod in or doing something else? i guess i could ask him directly.....thanks.

It´s just the "Church-4.7k mod"...i bought the sp-cmc-4u with the low-sens-mod some month ago.
Chris Carfagno confirmed it´s nothing else than the 4.7k mod.
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Alchemy on October 13, 2007, 09:37:41 PM
I have been in talk swith Chris in the past about the 4.7k mod...but he said there was a 3db noise floor increase which I was unsure if that would affect acoustic music shows in a negative way or not?

I tape a variety of shows from acoustic to high SPL show when using a stealth setup.

I just wanted some feedback about these mods before I pop for it.

i would still be running the AT 831s through a battery box into an iriver 120 or M1 DAT

So the 4.7k mod would be best I assume?

Are there any cons to doing the mod?????

Ryan in CA

Are you really getting a lot of distortion with your 831s? I find my 831s hold up quite nicely to high SPLs, even on 2 wire.
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Will_S on November 10, 2007, 04:41:14 PM
Sorry to beat this topic to death but I can't seem to find an answer to this question anywhere:

Is there some reason to think 2.2k would be better when running off low-voltage plug in power (from an R09 or iRiver) than 4.7k?  I'll be using a pair of Sennheiser MKE-2-5s.

And while I have everyone's attention:

I can find 1% resistors online but the best my local shop offers is 2%.  If I sort through a bunch of the 2% resistors to find a perfect match, is there anything else inherently superior about 1% resistors that would make them worth using?

I was thinking about doing the mod by soldering the ends of the MKE2 cables (w/ resistors inserted at the right place) onto about 8" of cable from a pair of *cheap* headhones.  I want to do this because there will be more room to play with than inside a miniplug, and also because the headphone cable is very flexible and terminates in a nice low profile right angle plug that I think will really minimize stress on the R09 input.  Is there any reason to think such a short leangth of cheapo cable would have a detrimental effect on the sound?

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: illconditioned on November 10, 2007, 05:26:16 PM
Sorry to beat this topic to death but I can't seem to find an answer to this question anywhere:

Is there some reason to think 2.2k would be better when running off low-voltage plug in power (from an R09 or iRiver) than 4.7k?  I'll be using a pair of Sennheiser MKE-2-5s.

And while I have everyone's attention:

I can find 1% resistors online but the best my local shop offers is 2%.  If I sort through a bunch of the 2% resistors to find a perfect match, is there anything else inherently superior about 1% resistors that would make them worth using?

I was thinking about doing the mod by soldering the ends of the MKE2 cables (w/ resistors inserted at the right place) onto about 8" of cable from a pair of *cheap* headhones.  I want to do this because there will be more room to play with than inside a miniplug, and also because the headphone cable is very flexible and terminates in a nice low profile right angle plug that I think will really minimize stress on the R09 input.  Is there any reason to think such a short leangth of cheapo cable would have a detrimental effect on the sound?

I recommend 2.2k for Sennheiser MKE2 type mics.  If you put 4.7k there, you will drop a bit more voltage on the resistor and may risk "starving" the FET of the necessary volts to operate.  I would recommend 2.2k for Sennheiser caps and 4.7k for other caps (Church Audio, AT853, etc).  Those all seem to work great on the R09 plug-in power.  I just got a pair of DPA4060 and there is *not* enough volts for these.  Apparently these need 9v supplied with a 3.3k load resistor.  I built a homemade battery box for this.

By the way, the R09 supplies 2.5v through a 2.2k resistor (approx).  Minidisc supplies less, something like 2.2v through a 6.8k resistor, so it is harder to get enough volts from the minidisc.  Yes, I have measured these values...

Oh yeah, 2% tolerance is fine.  You can fuss and get really close resistors, but it does not matter that much.  I mean a 2% change is voltage is not many dB at all.

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Will_S on November 10, 2007, 05:32:39 PM
+T and another in 12, thanks a bunch!  Any thoughts on splicing in a bit of cheap headphone cable?
Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: illconditioned on November 10, 2007, 05:34:04 PM
+T and another in 12, thanks a bunch!  Any thoughts on splicing in a bit of cheap headphone cable?

Go ahead and splice.  However you have to do it.  These "mechanical" issues are always the hardest for me.  But things have improved since I acquired some black colored hot melt glue.  It matches my gaffers tape!

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Will_S on November 12, 2007, 06:56:11 PM
Well, I modded my MKE2s with apparent success, although still need to see how they do with concert level SPLs and hope my soldering work is durable enough to withstand field use.  I'm not sure I'd recommend the cheap earbud cable approach to anyone else...it's nice having the tiny RA miniplug and the thin wires going into the R09 at the end, but the wires inside the cable are TINY and not fun to work with.

I'm kind of tempted to mod my AT853s as well, it would be nice to do away with my 3 wire battery box, but wonder if there is any loss running off the Edirol R09 or iRiver's PIP (which I've seen stated as anywhere from 1.8 to 3.7 V!) compared to 9 volts from the BB.  Is anyone out there running 4.7K modded 853s directly into an iRiver?

Title: Re: Difference between 2.2k & 4.7k Mods?
Post by: Will_S on November 18, 2007, 12:18:33 PM
I decided to go ahead and do the 4.7k mod to my AT853s (with U853 capsules) and tried out the 2.2k modded MKE2s and the 4.7K modded Franken853s into both my R09 and my iRiver.  The crowd was annoyingly chatty and there were other tapers there  so I felt no problem swapping cables between recorders mid-song.   ::)

Venue was the Brookdale Lodge, quite a small room with a modest PA.  (Descriptions at http://taperssection.com/index.php/topic,63211.msg882267.html#msg882267 and http://taperssection.com/index.php/topic,70148.0.html).  Band was David Nelson and Friends.  MKE2s were run baffled on a ~6" by ~6" beam mysteriously jutting out a bit beyond the edge of the balcony, about 7.5 feet high.  Franken853s were run DIN clamped to the balcony railing at about 8.5 feet high, directly over the MKE2s.  Mics were 25-30 feet back from the stage and 5-10 feet left of center.

Samples here (no post processing beyond adding quick fades in and out, may want to normalize for a fairer comparison):

853's > iRiver (at  +24dB, the max of the "analog" gain range for the iRiver preamp)

853's > R09 (mic in, low-sens, rec level 25)

MKE2's > R09 (mic in, low-sens, rec level 18)

MKE2's > iRiver (started at +18 dB, bumped down to 17.5 and then 17 by AGC safety due to screamers)

My thoughts:

Either set of mics straight into the R09 should do fine for any moderately loud show with a PA, although a preamp certainly wouldn't hurt with the 853s. 

MKE2s into the iRiver seems to work fine as well.  Franken853s into the iRiver would do in a pinch but I'd rather have a preamp even at moderately loud rock shows like this.  Note also that the U series caps are a few dB hotter (4ish) than the old version.

I think I'm gonna like the MKE2s when I get a chance to use them without a bunch of drunk chatty asshats around.

It still remains to be seen how well these mic / powering scheme combinations stand up to truly loud rock concert SPLs with just PIP.

Edit:  Would I gain much sensitivity redoing the AT853s with 2.2k resistors vs. 4.7k?