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What are common mini disc sources

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What are the sources to look out for before downloading something?

Thanks in advance.


--- Quote from: SHam on July 23, 2003, 07:22:45 PM ---What are the sources to look out for before downloading something?

Thanks in advance.

--- End quote ---

Do you mean what are the Common Models of MD Recorders?
I used a Sony MZ-R700, and a MZ-R73
I know they(Sony) have an MZ-S1
I guess Sony uses MZ to start the abbreviations.  I do not know any brands other than Sony.
For the record...ive pulled some excellent shows with my ole` Sony's.  I have no problem listening to a show that was recorded on a MD, and still use my MD as a back up from time to time.


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For the record...ive pulled some excellent shows with my ole` Sony's.  I have no problem listening to a show that was recorded on a MD, and still use my MD as a back up from time to time.

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I agree!

I know that a lot of the sharps have md in the name. ex sharp md-mt180

The show I get the most compliments on is a moe. show I did on MD.

Sharp MD-SR60


I'm sorry if that came out like a MD was taboo , I always appreciate any taper/hoster/transferer's efforts.  Thank you for your replies.


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