Gear / Technical Help > Remote Power

Conditioning Batteries

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what is the best way to discharge the 9.6V RC batts? or is it not necessary? they are Ni-MH btw.

Thanks for the tips guys.

+Ts all around.


Brian Skalinder:

--- Quote from: kskreider on August 29, 2003, 08:21:46 AM ---Push Buttons?  Brina, what kind of charger are you using?  I use a Xenotronix HPX10-06C100 Smart Charger.  Looks and acts just like the Powersonic flavor.  Whenever I plug it in for a charge, it automatically discharges it first, then fully recharges.  
--- End quote ---

That description was specifically for the Maha C204F charger and may apply to the latest and greatest 4-cell AA charger offered by Maha as well.

Two of the many reasons I picked this charger:  [1] it has the discharge option, and [2] it's an option, so if I just want to top them off I can do so easily.


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