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right and left

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When you have mics crossing, such as in din, ortf etc, which one is right and which one is left.  I am often asked this question, and I assume I know the answer,  but wanted it clarified  Say in ortf, my mic that is pointed to the right side is technically on the left if looking at it from a connector basis.   However, the actual mic would be pointing to the right side of the stage, so which channel is it.  I hope this makes sense, I was thinking about it driving up to Madison yesterday...


Brian Skalinder:
L/R is dependent upon the direction in which the capsule/element is pointed.

Does anyone else make note of which mic is right and which is left in recording notes?
I used to have a mismatched pair and I always wrote down which was which, by serial#,  when I made notes about the recording. That has stuck with me.

Yellow post-it note paper cut up for sizes and taped all along the LEFT chain, from cap to preamp, for me!

yeah, whichever direction the mic is POINTED is what channel it should be...i put a piece of duct tape at either end of one of my cables to distinguish the two during setup.
as for keeping track of which mic is in which position, i don't bother with it.  they're a matched pair and it shouldn't matter which is left and right as long as i've got the signal coming in correctly.


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