Gear / Technical Help > Microphones & Setup

right and left

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John R:
xm radio is fun



--- Quote from: calico on September 02, 2003, 02:28:04 PM ---Does anyone else make note of which mic is right and which is left in recording notes?
I used to have a mismatched pair and I always wrote down which was which, by serial#,  when I made notes about the recording. That has stuck with me.

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Ideally, you would make one set of everything  (one mic, cable, interconnect....) to designate a certain channel to be used mark one of everything w/ a red indicator (tape, ink, polish...).
That way you will always have the same match up of gear and if you have any trouble w/ one channel, you will know which chain of cable and mics to investigate. Or you can "match up" a hot side of mic/cables to a non hot side of the pre hoping to even thing out IYKWIM  :)

As for L and R of the mic.....the right Capsule points to the Right and L>L no matter where the xlr end ends up.

has anyone ever noticed when the mic designation is reversed????



--- Quote from: John R on September 06, 2003, 09:52:43 AM ---mmmmm, bacon

--- End quote ---

 ;D ;Di LOVE the microwave, that is 8)

shit shit fuck fuck retards retards pepperoni?

Oww, my back! My (former) roommate had better get my desk chair back to me this week!


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