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Anybody ever open up a JB3?

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Since I've never seen one of these, I'm only going on speculation here. Is the optical input a miniplug or TOSlink?

If it's a TOSlink, wouldn't it be relatively easy to replace that receiver with a coaxial input? I realize there are slightly different voltage requirements of the signal, but some chips are more forgiving than others when it comes to that.

If it's a miniplug, I have a 1/8" SPDIF (and a 1/8" to coax converter) which might also be swapped without much difficulty.

If anyone has opened their JB3, or is willing to to take some good pics of the digital input, I'd be interested in at least looking at the innards while trying to figure out if it could be modded.

That's my random techie rambling for today.


find a way to MOD it so it can accept 24 bit and then we would be talking......

Haha, I wish - that'd be far more useful to me as well. However, that would require a complete rebuild of the digital stage as well as a software rebuild/hack.

*Praying for SD to strip all the features from its HD series and just release a recorder at some point*

Nick in Edinboro:
Matt, it's a miniplug as the optical in also acts as an analog in.

Here are some pictures of the guts.  Hope you the best of luck, glad to see some JB3 interest!

go Matt go- go Matt go! :yahoo:


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