Yeah. Even though the comment I posted above (quoted below) is true. In actual use, I find most times I hear little to no solid-born noise in my recordings when using minimally effective shock-mounting or even no shock mounting at all. I go through cycles of doing things to improve decoupling, mostly as a best practices kind of thing, but I don't let it interfere with the practicality of the system and have learned not to worry about it much.
The situations where I've found it most necessary is clamping to a railing, barrier, or other structure that folks are leaning on / drumming on / kicking / pushing around a bit. Really needing them on a free standing stand is actually not very common in my own experience.
As general rule-of-thumb, I've found that for shock mounts to effectively attenuate solid-born noise transmitted through the stand, the suspension needs to be loose enough that whatever is suspended gets pretty wiggly. More than I'd like. So much so that it gets a bit disconcerting.