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Belden Mic cable substitute


Hey all, been searching all over to try and find Belden 1508A. 24/2 braided shield 3.2mm O.D. Black. It seems like they do not make it anymore? Does anyone know for sure, or could recommend a suitable replacement, not looking to spend a ton on it. I need about 20-25' It looks like they still make it, maybe, but it now has a foil shield? Thank You.

Gotham GAC-3 is considered among the best braided-shield balanced cable, and resists EMI/RFI better than almost anything else. I use it for most of my single-channel cables, and it is excellent. Note that when you solder it, you take some wires from both shields along with the green conductor all tied together on pin 1.

If you really want something that's as thin as the Belden cable you're replacing, get this. I believe the Redco "TGS" cables are actually made by Mogami.

I've had good luck with the 2-channel Belden 1504A cable here:   

The cable splits easily for a single channel! :)

I don't think they have the 1508A cable in-stock.


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