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Some help with a playback system... help me spend my money!

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So I have about $800 from my high school graduation and I need a nice playback system for next year in college.  I was thinking about just going to best buy and getting a this yamaha reciever I had my eye on and a 5 disc changer to play through 2 jbl bookshelf speakers that were $150 a piece.  I am about to just go ahead and do it but for some reason I think I might be able tofind some better deals. Can anyone help me out at all?  Any suggestion would be appreciated.  I plan on using this mainly in my dorm room and home bedroom and I was to be able to hook up my computer, tv and disc changer to one set of speakers playing mostly rock, jazz, blues, and country music.

i think you can do better than that- a pair of used maggies and an intergrated amp and that 60 dollar toshiba cd/dvd player. 

Craig T:
Panasonic xr50 receiver ($300)
Toshiba 4960 cd/dvd/dvd-audio/sacd player ($150)
Epos ELS-3 speakers ($300)

You'll have to go a little over the $800 when you include interconnects and speaker cables.  You can do this cheap if you can DIY, otherwise I'd recommend a place like that basically sells good quality DIY designs but DI-for-you.

Check out Ascend Acoustics speakers....I bought some of their CBM-170's and really enjoy them.

Spend some time browsing through the reviews at

jpschust, what kind of dorm room can hold maggies?  Mine sure as hell didn't have that much room.  My recommendation would be to get some bookshelf speakers, PSB Image 2Bs can be had for $250 a pair (normally 400).  E-mail me at for dealers.  I'd look into a NAD or Marantz receiver.


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