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--- Quote from: drivingwheel on October 10, 2017, 04:27:08 PM ---

Huck has done some...Otter has down some...other folks on here have done a couple...but there are several that I have EQ'ed, tracked, FLACed, md5ed and made the torrent file with TLH, uploaded to the tracker and seeded myself.

You don't even have your own internet - you trade your welfare Meals on Wheels to the elderly lady next door to use her wifi.   PATHETIC.

And my board name, well...we all can't use a euphemism for female genitalia; some of us have matured beyond a fifth grade emotional level.

As for the have no idea, but I'M the one who pulled the plug and quit booking dates, I'M the one who left my job, I'M the one who broke up with my now -ex (who is still a very good friend)...

We broke up because I'm buying a house in MO; she wants to live in IL.

Not like your gf (who is still on my fb to this day) who specifically said that she couldn't deal with you any more because you are a selfish sociopath who refuses to get a job and grow up...

so let's talk about how sour I am...because we all know, the more you're trying to slam someone...the more you're trying to deflect all  your own insecurities onto someone else.


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you didn't even have a computer when I was there in '11.
or your own place.
or a steady job.
or a gf that lived within 100 miles of you.

yet now you upload torrents all by yourself, have a better job, split up with your girl over *state lines* (BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA), and you're the reason Driving Wheel is no more....

what band are you in again?

as for my ex GF, she  put on 60 pounds the year we got together, (and is still a fat tub of lard) has type 2 diabetes that she's ignored for years, yet somehow it was *my* fault that a family didn't get started?

like I'd have a baby with a fat gunt that can't even take care of herself? (nee:  a female version of  you)

I actually have a gf now with a smokin' bod, a sense of humor that matches mine, a desire to fuck, and not label every problem of hers as caused by me. (gotta love the females who can't take ownership of their side of the street)

and a 6-8K a month income that is soon to triple, then most likely increase to tenfold in the next 2 years, *legally* (that "job" that Shoshana so desperately wanted me to have)

your revisionist history is cute, I'll give you that.

"you ran the show at Petes".....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

good one.


--- Quote from: bombdiggity on October 10, 2017, 05:22:16 PM ---

Never once have I ever done anything in taping for how many people might see or hear it.  It's not about seeking approval for me or my efforts or about a majority or a minority.

If I recorded for what other people like the most I'd have gone to a lot of really shitty shows, listened to a lot of noise and hardly enjoyed any of it. 


--- End quote ---

99% of what I tape, I tape for me.

if you wanna get your undies in a bunch over the "arbitrary 1%", be my guest.

my sig sums it up rather nicely, perhaps you missed it.

Sloan Simpson:

--- Quote from: lsd2525 on October 10, 2017, 02:45:05 PM ---I miss Dillon Fries. Sigh.

--- End quote ---

Dillon was at least just crazy instead of insultingly stupid like this furburger.

Brian Skalinder:
This thread has long since served its purpose.  Locked.

Please don't start another thread, especially for the petty personal BS -- take it to PMs, or better yet, just...stop altogether.


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