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Gefell Repair....who's the current U.S. contact?

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Need to send the 210's back home for a potential repair, and I dont recall which Stateside company is the current contact for them. 



--- Quote from: ellaguru on March 06, 2019, 11:03:03 AM ---Need to send the 210's back home for a potential repair, and I dont recall which Stateside company is the current contact for them. 


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PM John Wilett here on TS, or contact him on his website.  He is the UK Gefell distributor and will be able to point you in the right direction.

John Willett:

--- Quote from: ellaguru on March 06, 2019, 11:03:03 AM ---Need to send the 210's back home for a potential repair, and I dont recall which Stateside company is the current contact for them. 

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In the USA, Gefell repairs are now being handled via Claudia Haase.  :coolguy:

She is based in New York and her e-mail is: claudia(at)

If you need a telephone number please send me a PM as I don't want to put a telephone number on a public forum. (Telephone sent by PM)

She will be able to sort it for you.

When Gefell repair a mic. they put it back into the anechoic chamber to measure it and make sure it is fully complies with the same spec. as when it was first made.  :coolguy:


Thanks for the guidance....more than likely these are going up for sale with the caveat that something is wrong with either a cap or a body.  Working on identifying specific issues as i type. 

What exactly is wrong??  Can't you determine if it is the cap or body with some trouble shooting and switching the caps from one body to the next.  I might be interested if the caps are in working order.  LMK

--- Quote from: ellaguru on March 25, 2019, 08:27:56 AM ---Thanks for the guidance....more than likely these are going up for sale with the caveat that something is wrong with either a cap or a body.  Working on identifying specific issues as i type.

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