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VX Poclet

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d swing:
Well put JP...I too, can't wait to see what we're doing in 10 years.


now can you share a 2496 recording, via shn.?  thats data right?  would you lose any of the original sampling quality?  even if it wasn't burned to a disc, and just uploaded to a server, for buddys to download.  possible??  that would be killer.  just not ready to convert over yet, but if i could enjoy the fruits of others technology and hard work...

As of right now .shn can't handle the 24/96 files.  The new format FLAC can as far as I know, but then you need some way to play the 24/96 files back.  So until DVD-A is more consumer friendly (as I would only play these back on my ref system), I'll stick with the 16/48.  
Waiting for the 5 channel masterpiece....

P.S. JP did we meet at WSP in Indy this summer?? I was running the M210's in front of you, we were from MI????

that would be the one major reason for me not to tape 24 bit.  the most important part of taping is sharing the tunes,  and if your only giving someone something that is half as good as it could be, whats the point?  is it really worth it?

Hey all.

1st - Scott, we did meet at WSP.  Man that was a horrible sounding show.  Honestly- never been to a show with sound that bad...

I have switched over to FLAC making my conversions easier.  As per giving people only half of what you recorded by downsampling it comes down to who I am recording for.  I record primarily for myself and I like to spread my stuff around to other people too.  Same reason I record in 48 when Im using a DAT.  



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