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New SquarePlug SPXF Low-Profile (chopped) XLR's


Has anyone tried these?

They also have optional color screws:

The other 'off the shelf' chopped XLR's I have seen are both expensive and poorly reviewed. These look like they may potentially be better. Mainly, I'm interested in the female XLR's...when I make my own chopped plugs from Neutriks, the female ones are a pain to seal with hot glue and tend to let epoxy leak through, which ruins everything.

Have not, but looks well made.  Do they make a right angle version?  Only found Neutrik right angles on a quick search of the website.

Been salivating over the Cable Tech connectors, low pro, adjustable exit angle, pretty colors:

Kits available on Amazon. Thinking these plus Sommer Cicada 4 for a new 20'.


--- Quote from: Gutbucket on September 20, 2022, 10:17:56 AM ---Have not, but looks well made.  Do they make a right angle version?  Only found Neutrik right angles on a quick search of the website.

--- End quote ---

It appears they do not, according to the manufacturer site. Which is a bit odd, since they make right-angle TS/TRS connectors for guitar pedals and such. I would be all over these if they were right-angle, especially at such a low price.


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