I think you should make sure that it clear we are talking about the USBPre2 and the Mixpre-D. Not to be confused with the USBPre (v1.5) or the regular mixpre. THey both are completely different animal. The USBPre is not able to do standalone, is bus powered and requires interface with drivers on computer. I am pretty sure it does not have transformers either fwiw. And the Mixpre does not have any digital output but does have transformer topology. Then there is the MP-2 which preceded the Mixpre, also no digital w/transformes and has a M/S function. It is east to end up confusing them by dropping off a letter or number 
(And then there's the Aereco MP-2.. j/k)
thanks for the clarification. I ran the Sound Devices MP-2 with AKG 451eb+ck1. The 451eb are known to have a bit of a high bump (iirc, because when used for analog recording, the tapes rolled off some of the highs, so people asked for a little more presence in the highs). now that we have lossy digital recording, AKG made the 460s. a bit later the 480s were made. I'm thinking the MixPre-D will be similar to the MP-2, and since I thought maybe the MP-2/451eb combo was a little *too* high, so I'm thinking the MixPre-D + 460s will be nice.
page, that MixPre-D thread is great! for anyone that hasn't read it yet that's interested in the MixPre-D, head there first!
I'd like to hear some samples if possible!