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Author Topic: Sound Devices MixPre-D  (Read 42238 times)

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2011, 04:37:46 PM »
Just for reference, does the MixPre-D use transformers, or no? I was a little confused when you said something about it before.

mixpre family = yes
usbpre family = no
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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2011, 08:46:13 PM »
Just for reference, does the MixPre-D use transformers, or no? I was a little confused when you said something about it before.

mixpre family = yes
usbpre family = no

so, what about the usbpre? Sorry, haven't had time to browse those threads, but will tomorrow morning while the wifey is at work :)
akg 460b + ck61 (-10db) > MixPre-D > Sony PCM M10

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2011, 10:22:36 PM »
Just for reference, does the MixPre-D use transformers, or no? I was a little confused when you said something about it before.

mixpre family = yes
usbpre family = no

so, what about the usbpre? Sorry, haven't had time to browse those threads, but will tomorrow morning while the wifey is at work :)

it does not have transformers.
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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2011, 09:29:32 AM »
I think you should make sure that it clear we are talking about the USBPre2 and the Mixpre-D.  Not to be confused with the USBPre (v1.5) or the regular mixpre.  They both are completely different animal. The USBPre is not able to do standalone, is bus powered and requires interface with drivers on computer.  I am pretty sure it does not have transformers either fwiw.  And the Mixpre does not have any digital output but does have transformer topology.  Then there is the MP-2 which preceded the Mixpre, also no digital w/transformers and has a M/S function.  It is easy to end up confusing them by dropping off a letter or number 8)
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 10:50:53 AM by kirkd »

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2011, 10:57:58 AM »
I think you should make sure that it clear we are talking about the USBPre2 and the Mixpre-D.  Not to be confused with the USBPre (v1.5) or the regular mixpre.  THey both are completely different animal. The USBPre is not able to do standalone, is bus powered and requires interface with drivers on computer.  I am pretty sure it does not have transformers either fwiw.  And the Mixpre does not have any digital output but does have transformer topology.  Then there is the MP-2 which preceded the Mixpre, also no digital w/transformes and has a M/S function.  It is east to end up confusing them by dropping off a letter or number 8)

(And then there's the Aereco MP-2.. j/k)

thanks for the clarification. I ran the Sound Devices MP-2 with AKG 451eb+ck1. The 451eb are known to have a bit of a high bump (iirc, because when used for analog recording, the tapes rolled off some of the highs, so people asked for a little more presence in the highs). now that we have lossy digital recording, AKG made the 460s. a bit later the 480s were made. I'm thinking the MixPre-D will be similar to the MP-2, and since I thought maybe the MP-2/451eb combo was a little *too* high, so I'm thinking the MixPre-D + 460s will be nice.

page, that MixPre-D thread is great! for anyone that hasn't read it yet that's interested in the MixPre-D, head there first!

I'd like to hear some samples if possible!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 11:09:14 AM by eclark »
akg 460b + ck61 (-10db) > MixPre-D > Sony PCM M10

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2011, 10:40:11 AM »
got my unit in the mail on Friday and love it so far! it's such an awesome device! here are some pictures when I took it out of the box (5 images here)
akg 460b + ck61 (-10db) > MixPre-D > Sony PCM M10

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2011, 12:25:11 AM »
Nice pics. Looks like a solid preamp :)
Schoeps MK 4V & MK 41V ->
Schoeps 250|0 KCY's (x2) ->
Naiant +60v & +48v/40v Low Noise PFA's (x2) ->
DarkTrain Right Angle Stubby XLR's (x3) ->
Sound Devices MixPre-6 & MixPre-3

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2011, 08:54:24 PM »
regarding the Voltage disceprency, I emailed Sweetwater and they emailed Sound Devices, here is the response from Sweetwater,

Hey Emery,

       Got an answer directly from Sound Devices!

       10-17 V is the correct spec. The images on the website are of prototype units that had a different labeling and the "10 to 18" that is stated in the user guide on page 9 is a misprint that should read "10 to 17". The voltage range of 10-17 V that is listed in the specs on the product web page and in the specifications section of the user guide, is correct.


Nic Stage

       Hope this helps.
akg 460b + ck61 (-10db) > MixPre-D > Sony PCM M10

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2012, 06:41:43 AM »
Hope this is not a dumb question, but is it possible to run this: Mics > mixpre-D > USB to a tablet (with USB) running Android? And hit record?
Recorders: Zoom F3; SD MixPre 3 II; Sony A10; Edirol R44; Sony M10; Sony WM-D6; iRiver IHP-120; Sharp MD-MT20; Sharp MD-MT190
Microphones: Schoeps MK41; Nevaton MC59/S (cards); Milab VM-44 Links (cards), AT853 7.4mod (cards); AT831 (cards); Nakamichi CM300 (all CP's); Soundman OKM II Rock Studios
Preamps: Beyerdynamic MV100; JK Laboratories DVC-X-17b; Naiant IPA; Nakamichi MX-100 modded for 9v battery use ; Baby Nbox


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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2012, 10:14:33 AM »
Hope this is not a dumb question, but is it possible to run this: Mics > mixpre-D > USB to a tablet (with USB) running Android? And hit record?
"24-bit, class-compliant USB streaming output for interconnection with Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and select iOS devices"

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2012, 12:55:46 PM »
Hope this is not a dumb question, but is it possible to run this: Mics > mixpre-D > USB to a tablet (with USB) running Android? And hit record?
"24-bit, class-compliant USB streaming output for interconnection with Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and select iOS devices"

Recorders: Zoom F3; SD MixPre 3 II; Sony A10; Edirol R44; Sony M10; Sony WM-D6; iRiver IHP-120; Sharp MD-MT20; Sharp MD-MT190
Microphones: Schoeps MK41; Nevaton MC59/S (cards); Milab VM-44 Links (cards), AT853 7.4mod (cards); AT831 (cards); Nakamichi CM300 (all CP's); Soundman OKM II Rock Studios
Preamps: Beyerdynamic MV100; JK Laboratories DVC-X-17b; Naiant IPA; Nakamichi MX-100 modded for 9v battery use ; Baby Nbox

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2012, 03:34:38 PM »
Sorry for the newbie's questions:

- How I can connect the MixPre-D to my Sony M-10?
- I suppose I can connect my Schoeps CMR's to the MIXPre using the Naiant PFA Phantom power adaptor
- Is the set up worth the money?

Thanks in advance, Mauro from Italy

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2012, 10:41:23 AM »
Hi Mauro!

Have you considered the usb2? >>>
Slightly larger than the mixpre-d but if you're going from RCA or XLR to 1/8" to connect to the  sony m10, you may want to consider saving the money since transformers may not be necessary.

I would consider the mixpred if I had equipment that could use the AES output from the pre-amp.
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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2012, 08:38:53 PM »
How about battery life of the mixpre-D compared to the old one ?
2 x mkh40 > mixpre-d > m10

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Re: Sound Devices MixPre-D
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2012, 11:01:50 AM »
Sound Devices mixpre-d Results:

I recorded 2 shows with it in a small rig profile. What I found is 2 AA will not last 2 hours running phantom 48. Basically you would need to change batteries about 90 minutes or so with phantom on. After an hour the light would flash then would go completely dead between 1:30 - 1:40 with phantom on. The XLR outputs are side mounted which means you need a special cables stubbie or right angle to fit it in a small pack.

Battery Solution: run teckeon 3450. Had ted build me a custom cable for it - hosa 4 pin to teckeon 3450 connector.

Build quality:
The unit is built like a tank you could probably throw it against the wall and it would still work. Had a lot of functions WE as tapers like. It is small and not as light as a Naiant LB. I ran XLR inputs into the SD mixpre-d with oututs both XLR and 1/8 inch stereo.

The sound is very neutral. No coloration as far as I can tell. The bass is very controlled with DPA40XX series mics. Say more hi end even though mids are very nice and come thru strong. So a very nice sounding  neutral preamp with many nice options for tapers. You could not run this on double A batteries for a long set or even a long festival without a different power source. Ran the  teckeon 3450 with the mixpre for 2.5 hours and it went down one bar. Not much thou the pre does like to be power hungry with the phantom on. I did not run it with phantom off so can not report on that.

Test Gear:
DPA4060 -> SD mixpre-D -> sony m10 (Home tests)
DPA4060 -> SD mixpre-D -> edirolhr09 (Home tests)
DPA4022 -> SD mixpre-D -> edirolhr09 (2 recordings Informants at Boulder band shell and TTB at RR 2012 both at LL)

PS: Also, commented in the Sony m10 thread that there is a difference in sound between recording with the Sony m10 and edirolhr09. Not sure on final conclusions about the difference in sound thou was surpirsed they sounded very different so your recorder does add color at least to some extent. Maybe not as much as any other piece in the chain thou it still adds somethings which is sort of counter intuitive to the way I was thinking...
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 01:53:01 PM by phil_er_up »
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