« on: July 22, 2022, 01:51:36 PM »
Hello all, after an enjoyable weekend in Berlin recording I have a renewed passion for taping and am considering downsizing my M10 setups and purchasing an A10.
My PIPsqueak has had battery issues, a switch replacement (both dealt with perfectly by Jon @ Naiant) but has now developed some intermittent crackle / static which is the unit not a lead issue. I am looking to reppalce the jack but fear its lifespan is coming to an end.
I do still have my CA9100 and CA Ugly II but I do prefer the PIPsqueak form factor. I have enquired with Jon re his current equivalents now the IPA has been retired but he is no longer making battery powered preamps so I am asking what the current thinking is please?
I am happy with the CA9100 but it is almost twice the size of an A10 and I have no real issue with the Ugly II other than what people may think of it if discovered. I do sometiems stealth with two rigs so a smaller preamp would be advantageous as I would use the Ugly II for the one.
Thanks all.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2022, 08:18:21 AM by bobstammers »

Mics : Naiant AKG CK63 Actives, DPA 4061, SP-CMC-25, CA11c, CA11 IIo,CA14c, CA14o, CAFS, AT933 (4.7k)
Pre : Tinybox, PIPSqueak, CA9100, Ugly II pre, CA Ugly II 3 wire pre
Batt Box : MM-CBM-Mini
Decks : H340 rockboxed, R09HR, M10 x 2