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Author Topic: Cassette resurgence  (Read 9742 times)

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Offline ts

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Cassette resurgence
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:27:27 AM »
Since my cassette player is in good condition and has a playback azimuth adjust knob, I decided to purchase some new cassettes for giggles mostly. Quite a few releases to choose from, both new and old.recordings. Recent RSD's even have a few choices. Picked up the Motley Crue box set.

So anyway, here's a funny article:

Even though this guys an idiot, I have to agree with him somewhat. On new releases that is. The Crue box set sounds horrible. I picked up a new Billie Eilish cassette for my daughter and you can actually hear the needle drop on both sides. Pretty funny. Nevermind sounds good and the two Stones releases I picked up are decent. But, none of them come close to older commercial cassettes I have or anything recorded on blank tape. Too bad. This resurgence probably won't last because of this. Or maybe it will, since hipsters probably don't care about sound quality.  :shrug:

Offline guitard

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2022, 09:38:38 AM »
Nevermind sounds good and the two Stones releases I picked up are decent. But, none of them come close to older commercial cassettes I have or anything recorded on blank tape. Too bad. This resurgence probably won't last because of this. Or maybe it will, since hipsters probably don't care about sound quality.  :shrug:

I wonder if some (many?) of the sales are collectors just buying stuff to add to their "name the band" collection and they will never even know what the cassette sounds like (and thus don't care one way or the other).
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
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Deck: Sony A10

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Offline mountainhop

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2022, 09:58:00 AM »
the few ive bought in last few years are poor quality

can make a better one with an xlII

it seems they are treating it as a novelty

Offline rocksuitcase

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2022, 11:26:01 AM »
They talk about this a lot on Most of the take is similar to yours and the reviewers. Apparently, there are a few companies who are specializing in making High quality cassette releases, but mostly they are not. Here is one thread, but membership (free, moderated) is required to read most forums.         
Here is a link similar to yours               - video by same person

I have yet to buy any "newly produced" cassettes, BUT, have found a few original releases from the 1990's at flea markets etc for $.99 or so which all sound pretty good.

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Offline ts

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2022, 11:01:15 AM »
It's a shame the producers and manufacturers decided not to concern themselves with a quality product sound wise. Packaging is nice and original on these new releases, but it stops there. Like rocksuitcase I'll stick to flea markets and goodwill for any future purchases.

Offline gormenghast

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2022, 07:11:10 PM »
I play cassettes all the time.  A record store I used to go to had a bunch of jazz cassettes he would sell for $1 each or better if I bought more.  Of course for the classic rock stuff like Led Zeppelin he was asking way too much.  I bought maybe 50 or more cassettes from that guy.  Another record store with better prices for records has cassettes but I think I have enough for now.

I do have a big box of XLII's with Pearl Jam concerts on them from my trading days. 

I've made some mix tapes and got my daughter into making them for her friends---she's my analog kid who prefers records ( and film ) and has a nice collection going.

As for the new stuff coming out on cassette--there are bands putting stuff out on minidisc too!
A lot of people run a race to see who is the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more.

Offline mountainhop

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2022, 10:35:39 PM »
lol whats next, DAT?

Offline jefflester

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2022, 10:42:09 PM »
DPA4061 HEB -> R-09 / AT943 -> CA-UGLY -> R-09
AKG CK63 -> nBob actives -> Baby NBox -> R-09/DR2d
AKG CK63 -> AKG C460B -> Zoom F8/DR-680MKII
Line Audio CM4/Superlux S502/Samson C02/iSK Little Gem/Sennheiser E609/Shure SM57 -> Zoom F8/DR-680MKII (multitracked band recordings)

Offline BusDriver

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2022, 07:33:49 PM »
It's a good time to sell cassette equipment.  In the last six months I've sold off portable cassette recorders "for parts or repair" at silly high prices, not as high as some. Sony WM-D6(c)'s seem to be  particularly in demand. $200-400 not working, $600-$1200 for restored or New in Box.  My unused D6 strap was bid up to $60. I don't get it. Club posers?   Golly, I wish I still had them.       Looking at the ton of cassettes next.  Any of you still actively using Betamax ?  There still seem to be many purchasing prerecorded tape stock, but for what purpose ?

Offline mountainhop

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Re: Cassette resurgence
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2022, 12:54:56 PM »
It's a good time to sell cassette equipment.  In the last six months I've sold off portable cassette recorders "for parts or repair" at silly high prices, not as high as some. Sony WM-D6(c)'s seem to be  particularly in demand. $200-400 not working, $600-$1200 for restored or New in Box.  My unused D6 strap was bid up to $60. I don't get it. Club posers?   Golly, I wish I still had them.       Looking at the ton of cassettes next.  Any of you still actively using Betamax ?  There still seem to be many purchasing prerecorded tape stock, but for what purpose ?
thanks for the heads up, i have a stack of old decks that were previously determined to expensive to rebuild


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