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Author Topic: Need a new laptop...any advice?  (Read 15417 times)

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Offline lynchie

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2023, 08:26:43 AM »
you have a Micro Center near you? they usually have excellent deals/prices, especially if you don't need the most up to date versions. I scored a Dell a few months ago ago for $400. Really fast and does everything i need it to do.

Unfortunately not; I used to love those stores years ago when I was near one.  Hadn't realized they still existed.

I do live near a Best Buy, but I have found them in the recent past to have not a very good selection.
micro center has a website, should be able to order from there. Best Buy is terrible, no selction. Just checked the Micro Center site and they do ship.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2023, 08:29:05 AM by lynchie »
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Offline goodcooker

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2023, 08:44:34 AM »

You can get a desktop with way better specs for way less money if you aren't completely tied to using a laptop.

Unfortunately, I would then need to buy a desk and a larger home to put it in!

Understandable. I live in apartments and always used laptops until recently due to space.

I bought my last new computer from Newegg.

If I were buying a laptop right now I'd look for plenty of hard drive space (half a terabyte or more) a reasonably fast processor (Intel I5 or better) and 16 gigs of RAM.

You can get these features in a new lappie for under $600 if you shop around.

I bought a used refurbed desktop recently with 20 gigs of RAM, a 1 terabyte HDD and a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro for $75. That's why I mentioned desktop even though your thread title said laptop.

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Offline achalsey

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2023, 12:47:35 PM »
If you're interested or inclined at all: buying used and upgrading the HD and RAM is an option.  I bought a used MSI gf65 for $300 on Craigslist then upgraded to a 1TB SSD and added more RAM.  Powers through audio and video editing easily.  I enjoy those very little projects though.  I don't have much input besides don't buy an MSI, mine gets way too hot.

One feature that I do like in mine is the dual HD option.  I put the SSD in as my main but have the old 500 gb as an internal backup to add redundancy to the externals.

I am also very interested in Apple's new M2 but the price is too steep for me at the moment.

Offline robgronotte

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2023, 09:31:56 PM »
you have a Micro Center near you? they usually have excellent deals/prices, especially if you don't need the most up to date versions. I scored a Dell a few months ago ago for $400. Really fast and does everything i need it to do.

Unfortunately not; I used to love those stores years ago when I was near one.  Hadn't realized they still existed.

I do live near a Best Buy, but I have found them in the recent past to have not a very good selection.
micro center has a website, should be able to order from there. Best Buy is terrible, no selction. Just checked the Micro Center site and they do ship.

I did go to Best Buy and it was useful for one reason - it appears that laptops are no longer produced with anything other than the chicklet style keyboards which I dislike.  Bummer.

Offline morst

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2023, 01:51:17 AM »
I did go to Best Buy and it was useful for one reason - it appears that laptops are no longer produced with anything other than the chicklet style keyboards which I dislike.  Bummer.
If you don't need portability, that Intel NUC or Mac Mini form factor might work for you. They are cheaper than laptops, but you have to provide monitor mouse and YOUR FAVORITE USB keyboard lol!
They also lack batteries, and portability...

Offline robgronotte

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2023, 02:36:17 AM »
I did go to Best Buy and it was useful for one reason - it appears that laptops are no longer produced with anything other than the chicklet style keyboards which I dislike.  Bummer.
If you don't need portability, that Intel NUC or Mac Mini form factor might work for you. They are cheaper than laptops, but you have to provide monitor mouse and YOUR FAVORITE USB keyboard lol!
They also lack batteries, and portability...

I don't really need portability, I just don't have a desk or a good place to put one, and I like to use a laptop on my lap on a comfy chair or occasionally in bed.

Offline morst

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2023, 06:22:21 AM »
I don't really need portability, I just don't have a desk or a good place to put one, and I like to use a laptop on my lap on a comfy chair or occasionally in bed.
What do you really need as a controller? How about a bluetooth keyboard with a built-in trackpad or button mouse thingy? Apple items can "cast" to a compatible (wall-mounted?) TV, or you can use Amazon Fire Stick or Google ChromeCast to send video to your local screen...

I bought a Roku TV used, and it's got the AppleTV function built-in, and Roku keeps updating the remote control app for my iPhone so it's pretty decent.
Would be way cool if they figured out how to let me use the phone keyboard to type in search terms for youtube instead of having to navigate the letters and symbols with up-down left-right, but maybe by 2029 they will get that dialed in???

here is a handy shelf which saves desk space for a small computer - you could probably bolt it to an interior closet wall to make it disappear...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 06:26:51 AM by morst »

Offline robgronotte

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Re: Need a new laptop...any advice?
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2023, 01:07:52 AM »
I don't know anything about that stuff... The last TV I owned was made in 1993.  ???


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